Wednesday, May 16, 2018

DWTS: Athletes (Season 26) - Week 3 (MVP Night) Dance Overviews

It was week three of Dancing With the Stars: Athletes, and that meant it was time for the Semifinals! It was MVP Night, featuring dances dedicated to the celebrities’ personal MVPs in their lives, plus MVP mentors from previous seasons to help out the couples! The couples faced off against each other for some bonus points in the second round of dances during the night.

Season 24 runner-up and World Series champion David Ross guest judges, and previous contestants Meryl Davis, Nastia Liukin, and Von Miller stepped in for some dance bumpers and to give advice to the athletes.

And since the finale is already next week, the show had its first ever triple elimination, which determined the three couples that will perform in the finals.

Once again, we asked you through a poll what scores you would give the couples from the night of dances. Plus, we asked you which couples you thought should have won the Ballroom Battles. The survey results are tallied in with the bloggers’ scores.

This week, Paul Bentley is joined by guest blogger Danielle to talk about the dances from the night. Here are their thoughts, along with scores from The Readers!

Individual Dances

The couples performed dances in dedication to the MVPs in their lives.

[Order of the Judges’ Scores: Carrie Ann Inaba, David Ross, Len Goodman, Bruno Tonioli]
[Order of the Bloggers’ Scores: Paul Bentley, The Readers Danielle]

Mirai Nagasu and Alan Bersten
Eliminated in Third Elimination

Bo$$ by Ray Chew Live
Mirai’s MVP: Her Mother

Bentley Mirai exhibited all sorts of dynamic dancing in her performance. She was classy and elegant in her section with the troupe at the beginning, quick and calm in hold, and powerful and energetic with Alan out of hold. This was a stellar, technical Quickstep that looked like it was done with ease. With all that was going on, though, there happened to be some gapping here and there, but other than that, it ended up being the most fun dance of the night! Oh, how I wish we could have seen this couple in a longer season so we would see more from them! It’s too bad they were eliminated, especially as a result of a messy season format. I’m glad, though, that her mother got to see her perform on the show! I know Mirai can be hard on herself if she is not absolute perfection, but I hope she is proud of everything she has accomplished on Dancing With the Stars!

Danielle I agree with Bentley in that there were dynamics in the dance and I praise Alan on his choreography that he has given to Mirai on the show. It brought out pizzazz and energy and I think fun dances are what Mirai easily does well in. I do not know if I am the only one who has noticed a few things that could strike me as odd but when I rewatched the dance on YouTube I think they broke out of hold a few times for a couple seconds in each bar. But I think in the past few seasons other couples did that too but were not penalized or docked points for it. I just thought it could be interesting that it was not pointed out because in past seasons before the judges have sometimes said that in a Quickstep you cannot break out of hold in the middle of the dance, but I think since it is a short season they were being lenient, but it was something that made me scratch my head for a while. Some people would say they were shocked that Mirai was eliminated this week but in the beginning I had felt that she and Adam were probably splitting votes which turned into a Charlie/Meryl scenario after all in which one person of the two of them would make the finale and the other one would be gone, but I am glad she enjoyed the experience on DWTS.

The Judges’ Scores





The Bloggers’ Scores





#TeamFireIceAndSpice 1(800)868-3409

Jennie Finch Daigle and Keo Motsepe
Viennese Waltz
Eliminated in Third Elimination

The Rest of Our Life by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill
Jennie’s MVP: Her Husband

Bentley This Viennese Waltz was… nice. I think it was sweet, especially with how Jennie dedicated it to her husband, but beyond that, I think it was a little too lowkey. That doesn’t mean I didn’t like it, though. I saw improvements in Jennie’s self-control and balance, and I think that’s in part because she trusted Keo more than she has in her other dances. However, I would have liked her extensions to have been a bit looser, and I did see her trip up a couple times. But as Len said, when she was hold, she looked great. I would have liked to have seen more hold because that was without a doubt her strong point. Although these two were limited in just three weeks of competition, I did see quite a bit of growth in Jennie. She took the judges’ comments to refine her mistakes, which is what every good athlete does to do better!

Danielle I think Jennie did much better in the Viennese Waltz than she did in the Cha-Cha last week but I think she is someone where she can excel in one style of dance but be weaker in the other. I like that she dedicated it to her husband, too, and the importance of family in her life. There were a few times in the dance where it was stop and go and it was not continuously flowing in every count. The footwork was not clean in some parts too, but I think her frame and posture were much better here than in her foxtrot on week one. Jennie has grown a lot in the competition and I am happy she got Keo to his first semifinals on the show, something I thought would not happen for him at all, but I am happy that he provided some good choreography during the last few weeks that highlighted her strengths as well as her personality. I hope they keep in touch after the season is over because I enjoyed their partnership which I think they sure will.

The Judges’ Scores





The Bloggers’ Scores





#TeamPitchPerfect 1(800)868-3405

Chris Mazdzer and Witney Carson
Eliminated in Third Elimination

Bentley That video package before Chris’s dance was adorable! Seeing Chris’s mother’s reaction to finding out that he chose her as his MVP was one of my favorite things from watching the packages this season! I love the fact that she is a DWTS superfan, and I am so glad she made that cameo appearance at the end of the Foxtrot. The technique that Chris had was pretty spot on, although I would have liked to have seen some more content from him in hold. I don’t know if it’s just me who thinks this, but I still think that Chris’s acting could have been better. Like, couldn’t he have at least smiled in his solo section at the beginning in front of the curtain? Nonetheless, he was crisp and dapper, and it was gosh darn fun to watch. Overall, I think Chris and Witney had a pretty good season, and this was a solid number to finish off their individual dances. I will miss seeing Chris grow as a performer!

Danielle I love Chris’s video package too. His mother was so adorable when she realized she was his MVP for the dance. I love her cameo in the Foxtrot, too. Chris is one of those individuals you can easily connect to very quickly because he has a charm and charisma that draws a lot of people to notice him in the first instance. In addition, I love how Witney choreographs a Foxtrot with class and elegance, but fun at the same time. Those two things do not always flow together, but for Chris, he is great in ballroom, which worked to his advantage. Yes, there were a few things here and there that could’ve been better in hold, but his personality always makes me smile. I enjoyed his presence on the show and he was a great partner to Witney as well. I wish we got a full season of them and I wish he made the finals, but I know their friendship will last for a long time. Chris has won a fan in me.

I Got Rhythm by Ray Chew Live
Chris’ MVP: His Mother

The Judges’ Scores





The Bloggers’ Scores





#TeamMoveItOrLugeIt 1(800)868-3403

Tonya Harding and Sharna Burgess

See You Again by Tyler Ward
Tonya’s MVP: Her Father

Bentley It felt like Tonya’s Rumba for her dad was something we would see for Most Memorable Year Night, which was nice to see because we got to see her open up to us on Monday night. It is clear that she demonstrated true, raw emotion, and it made the dance feel authentic. This was the first Latin dance we got to see from her, and I think was well executed, but she needs to work on dancing from her core and following through on her movements without completing them too quickly. I think Tonya is starting to feel the rhythm more with how she is able to transition with the tempo changes. She is also a lot more in tune with Sasha now. She did well, but I wonder how she will fare against her two competitors in the finale.

Danielle I was a bit nervous Tonya would mess up a lot of parts in the Rumba since it is a dance that would look easy if someone is an expert but can also be pointed out for flaws. I think she actually did good for what Sasha gave her in choreography. I think she needed to extend her lines a little more and be more fluid throughout, but I think she did better than expected in the Rumba. I like her tribute for her dad and I think he would have been proud of her for this dedication to him. I am not surprised she made the finale, but I would be surprised like many if she made the top two. Who knows what could happen? But we had bigger surprises happen before so we may have to expect the unexpected that could likely happen.

The Judges’ Scores





The Bloggers’ Scores





#TeamAxellent 1(800)868-3410

Adam Rippon and Jenna Johnson

O by Coldplay
Adam’s MVP: His Mother

Bentley Mesmerizing. I loved the story Adam and Jenna told with this piece, and I love that Adam chose to dedicate to his mom for always supporting him. The level of artistry demonstrated in this Contemporary was impeccable. Unlike Len, I actually liked the “rough” parts of this dance that represented repression and struggle. I still can’t get over how in tune Adam and Jenna are with each other.They were both technically and emotionally stunning in every sense of the word, which made this routine the highlight of the night for me. Maybe of the highlight of the season? I’m not sure yet. With the constant showstopping-ness from this couple, I think they might just snag that Mirror Ball Trophy next week!

Danielle I knew Adam would do great in a dance like this. While it did not have the same dynamics like his Cha-Cha from week one which is a dance a lot of people, even me, will remember for a long time, it was a bigger improvement from last week because I forgot about his Quickstep quite frankly. His tribute for his mom is lovely too. I admire how much vulnerability he had shown in the Contemporary, and his partnership with Jenna over the last few weeks is great, too. I saw him as someone in the beginning a lot of people want to get the Mirrorball trophy, but I do not know if other factors may prevent it from happening. For instance, I have heard some people label him as a ringer and since Jordan Fisher, who last season was a ringer to many people in their eyes and won with my favorite pro Lindsay Arnold, I don’t know if people would want another ringer to win it again. Also, until Adam got casted this season, three other male skaters had competed on the show with Apolo being the only one who won very early in season 4; Evan was second to Nicole in season 10 and Charlie got eliminated in semifinals in season 18. I could be wrong and I do think he may still have it in the bag to win it all but I think his last dances may determine the final outcome alongside the live voting we also have in the finale. We’ll just have to see what lies ahead next week.

The Judges’ Scores





The Bloggers’ Scores





#TeamJustFriends 1(800)868-3401

Josh Norman and Sharna Burgess

Stand By Me by Bootstraps
Josh’s MVP: His Four Brothers

Bentley Josh is one of five brothers?! That’s a lot for a family to deal with! XD It was nice to see Josh break down a wall of some sort to express his admiration for his brothers, and it was exemplified in his dance. This was another Contemporary dance from the night that I found to be captivating. It had impressive lifts and neat tricks, which were all done in such a gentle and delicate way. As opposed to his Paso Doble from last week, I thought that the build up had a pay off at the end, capping it all off with that dead lift with Sharna at the end. I continue to be astonished by this couple, and I look forward to what they have to bring next week. And hopefully we will finally see them do a standard ballroom dance!

Danielle I am so happy Josh had a comeback week in his Contemporary after being lowballed in his Paso Doble. The love he has for his brothers really showed in his performance. Every week he always impresses me with his showmanship and hard work and I think the dance was one of my favorites of the episode. The lifts were great and he was equal with Sharna from beginning to end. No one outdanced or underdanced the other; they were together in harmony. I do not know how he did not get any 10s in this dance because I thought he nailed it. He got a 10 from me. Sharna does great in Contemporary dances so I knew this was a dance Josh would do great in and he has done a fantastic job. I am excited to see how he will do in ballroom next week, too. He got all my votes this week and especially the finale, too, and I am so happy other people who rallied for him last week are going for him again this week. I am rooting for Josh for the win.

The Judges’ Scores





The Bloggers’ Scores





#TeamBackThatPassUp 1(800)868-3407

Ballroom Battles

For the second round, the couples faced off against another couple for the Ballroom Battles. Two couples will dance the same same at the same time with a line across the dance floor. The judges, along with America’s votes, would determine which of the couples would win two additional points to be added to their overall score for the night. The couple with more votes from America and the judges would win.

MVP athlete celebrities from previous seasons of Dancing With the Stars also stepped in to give advice to the couples for the dance-off battles.

[Order of the Judges’ Scores: Carrie Ann Inaba, David Ross, Len Goodman, Bruno Tonioli, America (Percentage)]*
[Order of the Bloggers’ Scores: Paul Bentley, The Readers (Percentage), Danielle]

*Only viewers in the Eastern Time Zone and Central Time Zone of the United States were allowed to vote. The viewers had 30 seconds after each dance to vote.

Tonya & Sasha vs. Jennie & Keo
Winner: Tonya and Sasha (3 of 5 Votes) +2 Points

Dance by DNCE
MVP Mentor: Season 20 Semi-Finalist Nastia Liukin

Danielle After hearing Nastia’s words of advice on both couples going into battle and upon watching it from side to side, I saw both Jennie and Tonya’s personalities really come out. Within each pair dancing it seems they worked on some of the things they needed to do in rehearsals that would work in their favor. And the song was nice too from what they worked on in their performances. Technique/wise it wasn’t really clean on both couples. I think particularly the footwork could have been sharper but I am happy they both had a lot of fun performance-wise. If I had to choose a winner in the battle, I think it goes to Tonya.

Bentley Out of all of the MVP mentors, I think Nastia was the most helpful. She gave Jennie a good pep talk as to how to translate her energy, and she gave Tonya some really detailed advice about her feet and hips. In the long run, I think they both benefited, but it seems like Tonya was able to showcase the most out of her Cha-Cha-Cha. Jennie and Keo danced liked it was a party, but it seemed like Jennie was in her head again, especially with the “stomping” she started to do towards the end. Tonya and Sasha, on the other hand, stuck more to the basics, even though it was a bit frenetic. Tonya was more on point with her choreography, though, especially with those lock steps. In the end, it was Tonya who I thought had the cleaner lines, which put her over the edge for me.

The Judges’ Votes
The Bloggers’ Votes
Carrie Ann
Jennie (60%)

The Readers

Tonya (64%)

Adam & Jenna vs. Mirai & Alan
Winner: Adam and Jenna (3 of 5 Votes) +2 Points

Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry
MVP Mentor: Season 18 Champion Meryl Davis

Danielle I thought both couples had a great time in the battle. They had fun and their technique was good too despite that neither of them had done the Jive yet before until this battle. I am not surprised that the judges were deadlocked in their votes as two of them voted for Adam and two voted for Mirai. I did think Len would have broke the tie but I thought America was the better judge to determine it instead. I was also not surprised that they all went for Adam because I figured in the beginning he was getting most of the votes between him and Mirai to not only get the bonus points but also the spot in the finale, too.

Bentley I thought all three of the Ballroom Battles were very close and could have gone either way, but this battle was by far the closest of the three. I liked the personalized pointers Meryl gave her fellow Olympians, seeming to genuinely want them to better their dancing. As far as the dance-off goes, it must have been extremely difficult for the judges to choose who they thought did better. Both of them had such a peppy, vintage vibe and executed some impressively difficult tricks. Adam has smooth rhythm and energy for days, but I actually thought that he was a bit flat-footed and stocky in some sections. As for Mirai, she could have put her knees just a bit higher, but other than that, she was practically flawless, matching perfectly to Alan’s tempo and hype. And because of the “togetherness” I saw between Mirai and Adam, they were the winning couple in my eyes.

The Judges’ Votes
The Bloggers’ Votes
Carrie Ann
Adam (64%)

The Readers

Adam (73%)

Chris & Witney vs. Josh & Sharna
Winner: Josh and Sharna (3 of 5 Votes) +2 Points

WTF (Where They From) by Missy Elliott featuring Pharrell Williams
MVP Mentor: Season 22 Contestant Von Miller

Danielle I love both of these guys in this dance battle and I wish both of them made the finale with Adam, but I think many of us kinda knew from each Ballroom Battle that only one couple was gonna make it to the finale. I saw Chris improve a lot more in this Salsa battle from his week one Salsa with Witney, and great props to him on the clean lifts and rhythm in the dance, too. Josh was so exciting and fun as well, and I enjoyed watching him dance as well. I think Josh won the battle but I enjoyed Chris too that I wish I could tie it between them. I do not know what came into Bruno’s mind when he ripped off his shirt after both Chris and Josh took off their shirts, but we love our wacky judge because he never makes the judges’ table boring. Once again, props to both couples on a great battle here.

Bentley Danielle is absolutely right about how fun both of these couples were. Hell, even Carrie Ann was snatching her own wig! :P To be completely honest, though, I have to question how much Von helped these couples for their battle, because from what I saw, he just gave them some generic advice that they were both probably aware of. Oh well, at least we got to see America’s favorite chicken lover back in the ballroom! As Danielle said, Chris improved a significant amount from his Salsa during the premiere, featuring more stability and clarity in his movements than ever before, although I would have liked more hip action. Josh had the superior hip action in my opinion, but I felt like he lacked in the “let loose” factor. Plus, his feet were a bit shuffle-y. In the end, I think Chris deserved those two extra points just a tad bit more than Josh.

The Judges’ Votes
The Bloggers’ Votes
Carrie Ann
Chris (55%)

The Readers

Chris (55%)

Additional Comments

Bentley I thought David Ross was a good guest judge, although I don’t think it was anything special. Like Rashad, he scored high, yet consistent. However, I liked what Rashad had to say to the couples more. Not that I didn’t like what David had to say. I guess I would say that Rashad’s comments were just a bit more impactful than David’s.

Bentley Finale already?! I feel like I just started to get to know these couples! After Monday’s show, we posted a poll regarding who you want to win DWTS: Athletes, and these were the results from 254 voters:

These results were kind of what I expected, although a survey of 254 people is nothing compared to the thousands of votes that will be counted for the finale next week. Personally, I would like to see Adam and Jenna win, and I think that is most likely. But no matter who wins, we will get to see one of the pros get their first ever Mirror Ball, and that is always exciting to see!

Bentley This is such a minor thing, but it has been bugging me. Have any of you noticed that multiple dances this season had some weird volume changes in the middle of the songs that the couples performed to? It’s very subtle, but sometimes if you go back to some of the performances from this season, you can notice a slight dip in volume, including the parts where the music is supposed to be at its climax. I prefer music to be consistently loud, so when there are random drops like that, it kind of kills the vibe a little bit.

Bentley ABC announced this week that Dancing With the Stars is returning this Fall, along with the spinoff show Dancing With the Stars: Juniors running alongside it. I originally thought that DWTS: Juniors was going to replace a regular season of the show (which I think it was originally supposed to, if I remember correctly), but I’m glad it’s not because I can’t imagine myself being all that enthused about it. But who knows? Maybe I’ll end up liking it. I don’t know, I’m just not the kind of person that wants to watch kids dance. *shrugs* Nonetheless, I do plan to cover both of these seasons on the blog, and I hope I will like it more than I am anticipating.

Danielle I am so happy I got to know what blogging is like because it was fun writing one on here this week. Even if it is not probably gonna be all the time but I enjoyed the writing for it. Also I was so happy David got to be a guest judge and reunite with Lindsay after a year has passed since his season on the show. I think he did a good job like Rashad as a guest judge on the show, too. This season, despite being short this time around, was still fun. I also wish we had an extra week or two to know all the couples more but I love the partnerships that were created and like many others in past seasons I hope these guys keep in touch with one another for a long time and stay friends because this show has become a family to the celebrities who has participated on the show. Although I am not sure about the Dancing with the Stars: Juniors show being on the same time as the regular fall season on DWTS despite being on Sunday and not Monday. I think I may try to watch it if Lindsay’s sister Rylee makes it in as a pro for the spinoff show but I think whatever happens it may still be good too.

Bentley Thanks for blogging with me, Danielle! You have some really good input! You are always on top of everything related to DWTS, and you always have great things to say about everybody on the show!

Week 3 Dance Rankings

Individual Dances

1. Adam & Jenna’s Contemporary
2. Josh & Sharna’s Contemporary
3. Mirai & Alan’s Quickstep
4. Chris & Witney’s Foxtrot
5. Tonya & Sasha’s Rumba
6. Jennie & Keo’s Viennese Waltz

1. Josh & Sharna’s Contemporary
2. Adam & Jenna’s Contemporary
3. Chris & Witney’s Foxtrot
4. Mirai & Alan’s Quickstep
5. Jennie & Keo’s Viennese Waltz
6. Tonya & Sasha’s Rumba

Ballroom Battles

1. Mirai & Alan’s Jive
2. Adam & Jenna’s Jive
3. Chris & Witney’s Salsa
4. Josh & Sharna’s Salsa
5. Tonya & Sasha’s Cha-Cha-Cha
6. Jennie & Keo’s Cha-Cha-Cha

1. Josh & Sharna’s Salsa
2. Chris & Witney’s Salsa
3. Adam & Jenna’s Jive
4. Mirai & Alan’s Jive
5. Tonya & Sasha’s Cha-Cha-Cha
6. Jennie & Keo’s Cha-Cha-Cha

Week 3 M.V.P. Picks
Who did we choose for the title of Most Value Pro?

Bentley Throughout this season, I have noticed Alan Bersten giving Mirai personalized content that really make her shine all season. This week, he gave her a good variety in his choreography in their Quickstep, and some impressive footwork for their Jive. Alan has been able to bring out the best in Mirai in these few short weeks in all different types of lights, from sassy and fun, to magical and endearing, to exciting and explosive. He definitely knows what is best for his partner!

Danielle I picked Sharna Burgess as my MVP this week. Last year her 2 partners on the show was someone no one liked and someone who was lost in the shuffle because of the other celebrities in the season. But after Josh’s cha cha in week 1 this season Sharna’s choreography improved a lot more than I would have expected. Josh is also someone who comes to be a natural showman where nothing that he showed performance wise was fake or forced because he has an enthusiasm like many NFL players in the past that their personalities often make it up for lack of technique but Josh has the overall package to excel in any style of dance. As well as someone a lot of people would go for too. And Sharna did a great job in highlighting all of his strengths without overproducing anything to hide the flaws he may have which I didn’t see any from this week. Kudos to her and Josh!

Week 3 Stats

Dancing With the Stars Season 26, Week 3 Leaderboard

Bloggers’ Scores
Dance Style
Judges’ Scores
Overall Scores

Mirai and Alan
9, 9, 8, 9

9, 8, 9 (26/30)
Jive Battle
✖ ✔ ✔ ✖ ✖
✔ ✖ ✖

Jennie and Keo
Viennese Waltz
7, 8, 7, 7

7, 7, 8 (22/30)
Cha-Cha-Cha Battle
✖ ✔ ✖ ✖ ✔
✖ ✖ ✖

Chris and Witney
8, 9, 7, 9

8, 8, 9 (25/30)
Salsa Battle
✔ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✔
✔ ✔ ✖

Tonya and Sasha
8, 9, 8, 8

8, 8, 8 (24/30)
Cha-Cha-Cha Battle
✔ ✖ ✔ ✔ ✖
✔ ✔ ✔

Adam and Jenna
10, 10, 9, 10

10, 10, 9 (29/30)
Jive Battle
✔ ✖ ✖ ✔ ✔
✖ ✔ ✔

Josh and Sharna
9, 9, 9, 9

10, 10, 10 (30/30)
Salsa Battle
✖ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖
✖ ✖ ✔

Next Week…

In the shortest season of Dancing With the Stars ever, it is all ending Monday night on the live one-hour finale, followed by the season finale of American Idol!

The final three couples will perform another style they have not done on the show yet, and then they will each do a Freestyle dance. And finally, the season 26 Dancing With the Stars: Athletes winning couple will be crowned!

According to the press release from this week, here are the dances the couples are doing for round one:

  • Adam Rippon and Jenna Johnson will dance Jazz to Anything You Can Do from Annie Get Your Gun (The New Broadway Cast Recording)
  • Josh Norman and Sharna Burgess will dance a Foxtrot to Conqueror by Empire Cast, featuring Estelle and Jussie Smollett
  • Tonya Harding and Sasha Farber will dance a Viennese Waltz to The Time of My Life by David Cook

And here are the Freestyle performances for the final round of performances of the season:

  • Adam Rippon and Jenna Johnson will dance Freestyle to Scooby Doo Pa Pa by DJ Kass
  • Josh Norman and Sharna Burgess will dance Freestyle to Walk on Water by Thirty Seconds to Mars
  • Tonya Harding and Sasha Farber will dance Freestyle to I Will Survive by The Pussycat Dolls


Follow Us on Twitter!
DWTS Interact: @DWTSInteract
Paul Bentley: @ThePJBentley
Danielle: @snowbubbleon

What did you think of this Semifinals night of Dancing With the Stars: Athletes? What was your favorite MVP dance? Who do you think stood out during the Ballroom Battles? What are your thoughts on the eliminations of Chris and Witney, Jennie and Keo, and Mirai and Adam? Which couple do you want to win next week? Who do you think is going to take it all?

#DWTS #DWTSAthletes
#DWTS26 #MVPNight #Semifinals

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