Thursday, April 7, 2016

Dancing With the Stars Season 22- Week 3 (Most Memorable Year Night) Breakdown [Bentley and Julia]

The most emotional night of the season, Most Memorable Year Night, had the audience crying with tears of sadness, joy, and even anger! Here are Julia’s and Bentley’s thoughts on the show!

[Order of the Judges’ Scores: Carrie Ann Inaba, Len Goodman, Bruno Tonioli]

Ginger Zee and Valentin Chmerkovskiy
Contemporary: Home by Philip Phillips
Most Memorable Year: 2013, when she got engaged to her husband
Judges’ Scores: 7, 7, 7 (21/30)
Julia’s Score: 8
Bentley’s Score: 7
#TeamGinAndJuice 1(800)868-3404

I was very happy we finally got to see Ginger do a routine with a lot of content! (Shout-out to Alan Salazar and Jenna Johnson for the great choreography!) I think she handled it pretty well, though I would have liked to see a bit more fluidity in her movements. I’m continuing to see quite a bit of backlash for this couple, and I think at least part of the problem goes back to Carrie Ann’s Bindi comparison in Week 1.  A lot of viewers still seem upset over that and Ginger’s outfit and hairstyle on Monday night didn’t exactly help, since it was very similar to those of Bindi during her Most Memorable Year Contemporary number last season.

This was a very subtle routine, but sometimes subtle is good thing. The only issue I had with the subtlety in this dance was how Ginger would dance with only half of her body at times. What makes Contemporary so beautiful to watch is the fluidity of motion throughout the body, and I feel like that was missing from this performance. On that note, I think Ginger nailed the side-by-side parts with Val, and let herself become vulnerable. She could work on the lifts, but overall, the choreography was executed well.

Doug Flutie and Karina Smirnoff
Waltz: Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog
Most Memorable Year: 2015, when both of his parents died
Judges’ Scores: 7, 6, 7 (20/30)
Julia’s Score: 6
Bentley’s Score: 6
#TeamKutie 1(800)868-3402

I was sort of surprised to see this dance so early in the show, because there were fewer “sad” dances for this season’s Most Memorable Year night and so I thought a story and routine as powerful as this one would be put later in the running order. In this routine Doug’s role was mostly to frame Karina, but I think he did fairly well, though I would have liked to see a bit more fluidity in his movements. It was a shame about the mistake near the end, but he recovered very quickly and it was like it had never even happened! Doug is clearly limited compared to some other contestants this season, and I have to say, he and Karina are doing all the right things in making the best of their situation. Karina is creating relatively simple yet powerful choreography, and Doug is working hard and just being real with the audience. Despite being (tied) at the bottom of the leaderboard at the moment, I think the aforementioned positive factors in addition to having one of the most powerful stories of the night will save Doug from elimination next week.

Doug had one of the most emotional stories of the night; losing both of his parents on the same day is just heartbreaking. It was absolutely wonderful to see his parents’ story portrayed by Doug and Karina. Just like with his Foxtrot, Karina sort of just danced around Doug, but in all honesty, that was a very smart decision to choreograph the dance like that. They made each other look good with their fluidity, despite there not being too much content in hold. It looks like Doug will be eliminated soon, so I’m glad he could tell this heartwarming story to the audience.

Kim Fields and Sasha Farber
Foxtrot: The Facts of Life theme song
Most Memorable Year: 1976, when she received her first acting gig
Judges’ Scores: 8, 7, 7 (22/30)
Julia’s Score: 8
Bentley’s Score: 8
#TeamKimsha 1(800)868-3402

This was such a fun dance, just like all of Team Kimsha’s routines so far! It was also Kim’s first ballroom dance, and she definitely nailed it! The set recreation was amazing as well! I was actually kind of nervous for this one because I kept hearing about how she was going to bring back the roller skates she wore on The Facts of Life, but I was relieved that she stuck to skating around backstage and not during the actual routine. I think Kim is doing well and only going to get better but I’m starting to wonder how many weeks she has left, because she hasn’t been too close to the top of the leaderboard yet and keeps getting not-so-great spots in the running order. I think she’ll be safe next week, but after that it might be tough for her to stick around much longer.

First off, I just have to commend the DWTS crew for having such an elaborate set setup in only one short commercial break. Even though that kind of extensive setup is not needed a dance that is barely over a minute long, it is nice to see the effort that is put in by the show. And by the way, I was laughing hysterically when Charlotte Rae said, “I’m not four foot seven, but I’m still above ground.” XD Anyway, for this enjoyable Foxtrot, Kim looked like she was lit up with nostalgic joy! I found this to be her best dance of the season so far because of how well in sync she was with Sasha, and how much she just nailed every move! She does well both in hold and out of hold, which helped her tremendously for consistency in the performance. Now that I see how much potential she has in the competition, I want to see her gradually master the techniques of sway and rise-and-fall. I know she can do it if she can stay long enough!

Von Miller and Witney Carson
Contemporary: In the Air Tonight by Phil Collins
Most Memorable Year: 2016, when he became the 2016 Super Bowl MVP
Judges’ Scores: 7, 6, 7 (20/30)
Julia’s Score: 6
Bentley’s Score: 7
#TeamBlondeMiller 1(800)868-3411

It was really cool to hear from Von and his family about his big Superbowl win and MVP honor, but the routine itself was kind of a mixed bag. There were parts of it that I liked but others that I really didn’t. Von is definitely a great lifter but was sort of sloppy with some of his other movements. On top of that, he just didn’t seem to put much energy or emotion into the dance besides the lifts. In fact, it sort of looked like he was just kind of walking through the routine. I’m starting to wonder how much voter support this team is getting. Witney has a decent following and I know Von has fans of the Broncos on his side but I’m not sure how passionate they are, particularly compared to the Steelers crowd and especially about a dancing show. And I really don’t think that much of the general audience has gotten behind them, at least in comparison to certain others. Despite being another couple at the bottom of the leaderboard, I’m thinking Von and Witney will be safe next week, but I’m guessing they might be eliminated after a few more weeks.

Anyone else think of The Hangover with the song Von and Witney had? Just me? Okay. Personally, I was conflicted with this dance, and I think I still am right now. It was obvious that Von was unsteady, and did not have even close to proper feet. Point those toes, Von! However, the upper half of his body was magnificent, showing a new technical side to him. I liked the one lift where Von put Witney on his shoulder, but I did not like how fast the one launch was; I want to be able to appreciate steady extensions with slower movements. So, how exactly does that all balance out? I’m not sure. The six given by Len might be a little low, but then again. . . was it? I guess it is all about how one interprets the movements.

Marla Maples and Tony Dovolani
Jive: Happy by Pharrell
Most Memorable Year: 1993, when her daughter Tiffany was born
Judges’ Scores: 7, 7, 7 (21/30)
Julia’s Score: 7
Bentley’s Score: 7
#TeamMarTony 1(800)868-3407

I think the best word to sum up Marla and everything she has done on the show up to this point is “nice”. She’s a nice lady and has a nice partnership with Tony and together they have delivered some nice routines. The trouble is that she hasn’t shown very much range in her performances yet. They’ve all been pleasant enough but that’s about it. Their Jive this week was okay but Marla was off-balance and kind of timid in a lot of her movements. I don’t think her story this week helped much either, because it was a far cry from heart-wrenching and the other person who did a routine about becoming a parent gave a much more memorable performance. None of Marla’s routines have been bad by any means, but we haven’t seen anything particularly exceptional from her either. I think she has a Contemporary routine for Disney Night so we could be seeing a different side of Marla come Monday, but I fear it may be too late to make a difference. She’s currently one point away from being at the bottom of the leaderboard, and the three who ARE at the bottom are all football players. At least two of them almost certainly have bigger fanbases than Marla and the other had the most emotional story of the night. So there is a legitimate possibility they will all get enough votes to overtake her, so unless Marla can get past anyone she is tied with or behind in terms of scores (which seems kind of unlikely) I think she will be the one sent home next Monday.

Marla is very soft spoken, and looks at everything in a bright light, which made her video package enjoyable to watch. I could tell that she was giving it all she had for the Jive, which actually matched Tony and the music almost perfectly, however, she was once again wobbly, and needed to point her toes. I can’t fault her, though, because she appears to be giving more effort than some people who get higher scores than her. Some people just require more time, and I think that’s what Marla needs. Will she able to get enough time to show off some progression is technicality? I don’t think it’s very likely, but with this show, you never know!

Antonio Brown and Sharna Burgess
Foxtrot: 7 Years by Lukas Graham
Most Memorable Year: 2007, when his son was born after he breaking a college football record
Judges’ Scores: 7, 6, 7 (20/30)
Julia’s Score: 7
Bentley’s Score: 6
#TeamBOOMin 1(800)868-3401

The choreography for this number was interesting and nice to watch, and Antonio and Sharna’s chemistry just seems to be getting better and better! Unfortunately, Antonio was inconsistent during this performance. At times he was very smooth, which made those sections of the routine very elegant. However, there were other points during which he was very stiff and seemingly a little unsure of himself. I enjoyed the inclusion of Antonio Jr. at the end because I feel it enhanced the performance instead of detracting from it like I feared it might. Even though the general consensus of this number as well as Antonio’s other performances seemed to be lukewarm, I still don’t see him going anywhere anytime soon. Steeler Nation is hardcore!

Performance-wise, this was by far my favorite dance of the night. I know a lot of people dislike it when celebrities bring their kids into the dance (or, in most cases- like with Ginger’s Contemporary- after the dance), but I think Antonio Jr. added a whole lot of special emotion to the performance. I am guessing that Antonio’s Foxtrot allowed people that could not completely connect to him, such as Julia, to finally be able to see a vulnerable and human side to him, besides the usual boomin’ side to him! :P Unfortunately, though, his frame way too tight, he chased the music, and he was unable to contain his energy at certain parts. I did see a valiant effort at attempting rise-and-fall, though, which many of the celebrities this season have not caught onto yet. This might have not been Antonio’s best dance technicality-wise, but it definitely connected him to the audience on a deep and personal level.

I was able to connect with Antonio a LITTLE more this week, but he’s still the least interesting to me out of the football players and has yet to truly impress me on the dance floor. If Antonio doesn’t have a breakthrough soon, I don’t think he’ll make it to the finals. Next week he has a Jazz number to a popular and fun song, so if he can’t impress me then, I’m not sure he ever will. Antonio and Sharna have a lot of work to do if they want to catch up to couples like...

Paige VanZant and Mark Ballas
Paso Doble: 300 Violin Orchestra by Jorge Quintero
Most Memorable Year: 2014, when she won her first UFC fight
Judges’ Scores: 8, 7, 8 (23/30)
Julia’s Score: 8
Bentley’s Score: 7
#PowRightInTheKisser 1(800)868-3410

First off, MARK IS BACK AND I AM SO HAPPY! Glad to see he’s feeling better, especially since I know Paige has been one of his dream partners for awhile! Speaking of Paige, I’m liking her more and more every week! Bullying stories on Most Memorable Year week always make me sad and angry, since I was bullied a lot as a kid. I’m glad Paige was able to find a healthy outlet to let out her feelings and develop her skills in a sport she loves. My eyes were glued to my television screen for this entire dance and I loved it but was also left feeling kind of disappointed. As many others have said, this was more like a Contemporary than a Paso Doble, especially in the first half of the routine. There were definitely some recognizable Paso moves in it but I was really looking forward to seeing Paige do a “full” Paso Doble. I think she would have really nailed it. Not that she didn’t knock this out of the park, just wasn’t the same. If this had been a Contemporary I would have scored it a 9 but it was more like a Contemporary/Paso fusion. But in the end, I think the risks Paige and Mark took with this paid off because I saw a lot of positive reactions to this dance and I think it helped them stand out from the other contestants and most likely got some more voters on their side!

Paige’s story was sad to hear, and actually made me genuinely angry to hear that people threw trash at her. This dance must have been a giant middle finger to those bullies, which is very satisfying to know, LOL! Now, as for the controversial Paso Doble, I absolutely loved the innovative choreography. . . for a Contemporary piece. If this were a Contemporary performance, I probably would have given her a 9, but unfortunately, it lost connection with the Paso Doble. That being said, I do think that the risk with the choreography really paid off, though (even though she lost a point from Len for it) because, at least for me, it was the most memorable dance of the night, and I’m sure it got her plenty of votes from the viewers! The Paso Doble content she did do was a little small, but her fighting parts were full of power, and made me want to punch something myself! XD I’m glad Mark is able to dance with Paige for the rest of the season because the dynamic between them makes for show-stopping performances!

Jodie Sweetin and Keoikantse Motsepe
Foxtrot: Rise Up by Andra Day
Most Memorable Year: 2015, when she started filming Fuller House
Judges’ Scores: 8, 7, 8 (23/30)
Julia’s Score: 8
Bentley’s Score: 8
#TeamMoSweet 1(800)868-3405

Aaaaand here is another routine I would have given a 9 if it had more content. This was the other heart-wrenching story of the evening (is it just me, or was Jodie’s package this week kind of long compared to some of the other ones?) and it definitely carried over to the dance. Jodie really sold this number, and I think she connected to the music better than anyone else on Monday night. Also, at this point she is the only contestant who really FINISHES her lines instead of throwing them away, and the portions of the dance done in hold were executed beautifully. Of course, there were portions of the dance that were not done in hold, and those were also executed beautifully, but again, this felt like a fusion between the assigned style (in this case, Foxtrot) and Contemporary. I know Keo’s specialty is Latin dance, and I’m guessing maybe that’s why I’ve been left wanting more from their ballroom routines, but if he’d put more Foxtrot content into the choreography I think Jodie could have handled it. Luckily for them, they have a Latin style next week, which seems to be a strength of Jodie’s as well, but we’ll see what happens!

I knew Jodie did have a problem with drugs, but I didn’t realize it lasted all the way until 2011- I thought it was just a bad teenage phase she had. It was definitely an inspiring and uplifting story, and Keo undoubtedly brought that out in the choreography. There was just enough Foxtrot content in my eyes, but I think it is time to see something more from these two. Jodie improved her hold tremendously from her Tango in week one, and even showed off her improvement with some of the most beautiful lines of the night. Now I just want to see Jodie really sell the movements while still being able to be delicate in her upper half.

Mischa Barton and Artem Chigvintsev Eliminated (11th Place)
Samba: Party in the U.S.A. by Miley Cyrus
Most Memorable Year: 2008, when she finished The O.C.
Judges’ Scores: 6, 6, 6 (18/30) Bottom of the Leaderboard
Julia’s Score: 5
Bentley’s Score: 5
#TeamBlackVelvet 1(800)868-3408

Mischa, like Jodie, is a recovering drug addict and seeing her dance right after hearing Jodie’s story made me think it might have been better if Mischa waited a few years until she did Dancing With the Stars. She seems very fragile right now and I’m thinking she would have had a better chance at doing well had she waited a couple years (and done some research, because she had never even seen an episode of the show before signing up). I think she was definitely happier on Monday than in previous weeks. It didn’t really come across on the show too well, but based on her tweets and some video clips I saw on Instagram she seemed to be having more fun this week. I do think this was her best dance but she just wasn’t on the same level as the other ten contestants, and so I think the right couple went home this week. I wasn’t able to do a “Thoughts On” post for Geraldo and Edyta last week, so I’m thinking of combining that with my thoughts on Mischa and Artem. I’ll try to get that up before Monday night’s show.

I don’t know what to make of Mischa’s reactions after her Cha-Cha-Cha from last week, so I’m not going to speculate anything. She seemed to have more fun this time around, but she still didn’t look like she was having as much fun as the audience would like her to have. The technique was practically nonexistent, especially with her heel leads, but at least she improved the issue she had with moving her entire body to the side when doing the Latin steps. I’m sure most people saw Mischa and Artem’s elimination coming, simply because the competition is really high this season. I hope Mischa can use this experience to become more carefree, and learn to try new things with a positive attitude.

WanyĆ” Morris and Lindsay Arnold
Waltz: Star Spangled Banner by Boyz II Men
Most Memorable Year: 1996, when Boyz II Men performed at the Olympics
Judges’ Scores: 8, 8, 8 (24/30)
Julia’s Score: 8
Bentley’s Score: 8
#TeamYayZee 1(800)868-3412

WanyĆ” and Lindsay continue to impress me! I found WanyĆ”’s story to be refreshing, as it was different from the usual Most Memorable Year topics we hear about (marriage, children, “big breaks”, death of a loved one, and overcoming bullying). WanyĆ” chose a moment in his life when he and his bandmates wanted to use their platform to do good in the world, in this case by trying to bring hope to people when singing the National Anthem at the Olympics. I loved that they all went in to record the song just for WanyĆ”’s performance this week, and that WanyĆ” is proving to be very dedicated to the competition and learning process. The hard work this team has clearly been putting in is paying off, because this routine was incredible, and especially amazing for a first ballroom dance! WanyĆ” needs to improve his posture and lines, but this was still very impressive. His strength seems to be Latin styles, so I am very excited for their “Circle of Life” Samba next week!

What’s up with Lindsay always choreographing dances to songs about America (like with her Quickstep and Waltz with Alek Skarlatos last season)? Whatever the reason, I always end up loving them, and her Waltz with WanyĆ” was not exception! I loved everything about this performance: the song, the patriotism, the dance content, the emotion. WanyĆ” still needs to fix his posture, stick his butt in a bit, and make his lines smoother. I was surprised that his arms were as stiff as they were, considering they were not like that during his Latin routines. Those were all minor things for repairs, which were hidden behind his swift and steady presence. Ballroom might not be WanyĆ”’s strongest type of dance, but he still excels at it!

Nyle DiMarco and Peta Murgatroyd
Tango: Verge by Owl City
Most Memorable Year: 2012, when he travelled the world without a translator
Judges’ Scores: 8, 8, 9 (25/30) Top of the Leaderboard
Julia’s Score: 8
Bentley’s Score: 8
#RedefiningDance 1(800)868-3409

Last week seemed to be a bit rough for Nyle and Peta, but I was glad they didn’t let that get them down moving forward. I was kind of surprised the producers put this routine in the place in the running order they did, since the last spot on Most Memorable Year night usually is typically reserved for either one of the most emotional stories or a callback to a popular sitcom. But after watching the number I understand why because this was incredible! This was Nyle’s first ballroom dance and he did spectacularly, especially since this was also the first dance during which he had to spend a considerable amount of time NOT looking at Peta for cues. He got a bit off time here and there but his frame and movements are wonderful.

Side note: I’ve heard Maks has been frequently popping into their rehearsals to help out and he’s certainly making an impact because for the first couple of seconds of this routine I thought Nyle WAS Maks and I was very confused!

I noticed that, too! When Nyle was sitting on the chair, I had to do a double take!

Thank goodness Peta called out Carrie Ann’s comment last week. Carrie Ann tried retracting her statement, but I don’t think it worked. Nyle nailed the timing once again, even when he tripped up at a few parts. I am incredibly impressed how well Nyle did with this style of dance, considering he had to keep his head tilted left, away from any facial communication with Peta. Nyle has been consistent while still improving week by week, which makes me get the feeling that will be in the final two for sure if he keeps this up. Watch out, DWTS cast! Nyle is probably the biggest competition for everyone to beat!

Julia’s Rankings of the Most Memorable Year Night Performances:
1. WanyĆ” & Lindsay
2. Jodie & Keo
3. Nyle & Peta
4. Paige & Mark
5. Kim & Sasha
6. Ginger & Val
7. Antonio & Sharna
8. Marla & Tony
9. Von & Witney
10. Doug & Karina
11. Mischa & Artem

Bentley’s Rankings of the Most Memorable Year Night Performances:
1. Nyle & Peta
2. Jodie & Keo
3. WanyĆ” & Lindsay
4. Paige & Mark
5. Kim & Sasha
6. Ginger & Val
7. Von & Witney
8. Marla & Tony
9. Antonio & Sharna
10. Doug & Karina
11. Mischa & Artem

Some other observations we had Monday night:

- I’m always a little disappointed whenever there isn’t a pro opening number, but, considering the time constraints in the beginning of the season, I understand why one wasn’t included this week. Nonetheless, I still found the snippet opening to be pretty good.

- I’m sorry, but as each season of Dancing With the Stars goes by, I find Carrie Ann’s comments to be more and more ridiculous. Remember when she said that watching Bindi was like “watching a sunrise”? That was most laughable comment she ever made. But now, whenever I hear certain comments from her, I wonder why she even says them. I think after eleven years of being judge, she is trying to look for something to say. I’m not saying that I hate or her, or even her judging, but I am saying that maybe she shouldn’t give such ridiculous comments to both the celebrities and the pros. Even on her blog for Hollywood Access this week had some things scratching my head. It is one thing to have differing opinions with someone (which I find happens a lot with Carrie Ann and I), but some of things she say make it seem like she was watching a whole different show from me. Maybe the show is a lot different live, and that’s why I don’t see a lot of what she is saying. But I don’t know what to think anymore. I actually love Carrie Ann, especially with her love for animals, but something about her comments can be “off” sometimes. Let’s just hope this season does not have consistent comments like the one she gave to Nyle and Peta last week!

- A lot of people have been telling me that they don’t like Len’s attitude this season, but I don’t really see much of an attitude, and I never really did. I think he is just passionate about dance, and he wants to be able to inform the contestants and pros of what they could improve on. I don’t think that he genuinely gets angry at the dancers one bit, even though I guess it can come off as rude or angry.

- It does seem to me like he might not be as happy this season as he was during some others, but I think a lot of people are overblowing it. I agree that he’s probably not really angry at anyone though, probably just disappointed at worst.

- While I definitely enjoyed the inclusion of Antonio’s son in his Foxtrot as well as having both him and his daughter up in the skybox when he and Sharna were getting their scores, Ginger’s baby showing up was a different story. Showing the baby during the package is enough. It seemed downright cruel to bring him into such a big and loud environment, especially when he clearly  was not feeling it. The close-ups on him while he was crying made things even worse. They were trying to make the whole thing seem funny annd cute but I just felt bad for poor little Adrian.

- I love it when shows shamelessly endorse stuff, which is one of the many reasons why I love Disney Night, which is right around the corner! Zendaya is going to be a guest judge to fill in for Len, and I think she is going to able to be honest and critical while still having good things to say for each couple. She might go crazy with giving everyone high scores like Redfoo did as a guest judge in season 18, but I don’t mind that. The thing I love about guest judges is that they are such a wild card and can mess everything up, which is so much fun to see how everybody views dances differently. And also, Brittany Cherry is making a return for Disney Night!

- Very excited to see Brittany back, as well as the Dancing With the Stars debut of Jensen Arnold, who is the younger sister of Lindsay Arnold!

- And how exciting that a Disney star is guest judging on Disney night! I think Zendaya will do a good job as a judge but I have to wonder how she’ll be when it comes to Ginger and Val. Last season we saw Alfonso judge Carlos and Witney and I think his score and critique for them was fair. A lot of people seem to think Zendaya will score Ginger and Val too high, but I think she might be a little hard on her former partner, like how Julianne was with Derek at times.

- While we’re on the subject of Ginger and Val, they are apparently dancing to “Belle” from Beauty and the Beast and I can’t imagine how a ballroom routine to that song is going to work, at least within the constraints of DWTS. I have no idea what style it will be and they’re going to have to cut out bits and pieces of the song which will inevitably make it even more awkward. On the upside, we’re probably going to get to see Val play Gaston, which is something I’ve been eagerly awaiting for awhile now!

- I mentioned earlier that Wanya and Lindsay are doing a Samba to “Circle of Life” from The Lion King.I have to say, I’m quite surprised they assigned that style to that song. I’m guessing they will do well despite being given this odd combination, but I think a Contemporary routine would be a much better fit for that music.

- I’m getting the feeling that my views on the dances are like Len’s this season, while Julia is becoming a mix of Bruno and Julianne. I think I might be a little more “grouchy” (for lack of a better word) than her, but we both agree on a lot of the technicalities. We will be having a new blogger post her opinions with us starting next week, and since she seems so eager to post, it will be interesting to see where the chips fall with her!

- There isn’t one judge I seem to be agreeing with more than other so far this season, so I feel like I’m probably a Julianne (who was my favorite judge and who I tended to agree with most often when she was on). And I agree your opinions seem to be aligning with Len’s the most. Looking forward to the debut our new blogger next week!

- The most emotional story of the night had to be Doug’s. His story was so sad, and his dance was so beautiful that I had to rewatch his dance right away on YouTube! It must have been so hard for him to handle the death of both of his parents at once, but he must also look at it as a sign of true love between them; they must have been inseparable!

-  It looks like they’re not going to keep telling us the ACTUAL couples in the bottom as we move forward in the season. (I think Doug was likely in the bottom 3 but I really don’t think Jodie was.) While that’s kind of disappointing, I actually had to laugh when it was announced that Jodie and Keo were in jeopardy this week since I’d predicted that would happen in last week’s post. I think it was mean of them to do that to poor Keo though. Jodie seemed fine in that moment, but he looked so nervous!

- You so called it! Right when Tom said “Jodie and Keo”, I was like, “Julia predicted that!” That just goes to show how predictable the “shocking” factor is on the show, even though I personally didn’t predict that! :P

- As I said earlier, I think Marla is leaving next week, but if it turns out to be Doug or MAYBE Von (and I don’t see it being anyone else except possibly a small chance of Kim, though I think that would be a real shame) I’m gonna go ahead and guess they’ll put all three football players there for the drama factor. I don’t think they’ll actually be the bottom 3 once the votes are factored in, but I think it could be believable to a lot of viewers since they are all tied at the bottom of the leaderboard at the moment.

- I don’t think Marla is going to leave just yet. I have a feeling it might be Doug who will be eliminated next week, but maybe he got some extra votes for his memorable routine on Monday. Once when the underdogs are gone, though, which will probably be around week seven, I think that the eliminations are going to be extremely difficult to predict!

Mischa Samba.jpg

What did you think of Most Memorable Year Night on DWTS? What was your favorite dance of the night? What did you think of Mischa and Artem’s elimination? Which story do you think had the most emotional impact on Monday night? Who do you think will be eliminated next week?

Next week is Disney Night on Dancing With the Stars, with guest judge Zendaya!

Follow Julia on Twitter at @juliadelbel, and follow the DWTS2016 Blog Twitter page (run by Bentley) at @DWTS2016 for more about Dancing With the Stars!


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