Friday, November 11, 2016

Dancing With the Stars Season 23- Week 9 (Showstoppers Night) Review [Bentley, Julia]

The competition proved to be tightening with Showstoppers Night on Dancing With the Stars! Singer Idina Menzel came to judge this showstopping night of performances, and actually gave a showstopping performance herself!

So, here are Paul Bentley’s and Julia Delbel’s thoughts on this week’s show!

[Order of the Judges’ Scores: Carrie Ann Inaba, Idina Menzel, Julianne Hough, Bruno Tonioli]

Individual Showstoppers Dances

Each couple danced an individual showstopping routine with a Broadway show theme.

Marilu Henner and Derek Hough
Samba: December 1963 (Oh What a Night) by The Four Seasons
Broadway Show Theme: Jersey Boys
The Judges’ Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9 (36/40) Tied For Lowest Individual Dance Score
#TeamHennergy 1(800)868-3408

Julia: As soon as I saw that the package before this dance was positive, I knew they would be the ones going home. Producer treatment aside I was happy Marilu was able to go out on a great night. I liked that this dance was a straight-up Samba with nothing but nice Samba content. Marilu was a little shaky throughout this dance but her technique was very good, and I was so happy to see Mark back in the ballroom!
Julia’s Score: 9

Paul Bentley: Everything about this Samba made me smile. Marilu is quite spectacular when it comes to Latin dances, and this dance highlighted all of her strengths. I still can’t get over her lock turns! Sometimes her steps were wide, and other times her arms could have had a little more shaping, but I loved it. I know that a lot of us had high expectations for Marilu, and she proved us to be right! She is a phenomenal performer, and she showed us how to stay classy and have as much fun as possible while still getting lower scores in certain weeks. She is a beautiful person, and she is a trooper! Even with hurt feet, she kept on going with complaints and without making that the focus of her journey. And  by the way, can I just point out how great the Jersey Boys cast was live?! Mark Ballas sounds just like Frankie Valli!
Bentley’s Score: 9

Calvin Johnson, Jr. and Lindsay Arnold
Waltz: Memory by Andrew Lloyd Webber (featuring Leona Lewis)
Broadway Show Theme: Cats
The Judges’ Scores: 9, 9, 10, 9 (37/40)
#TeamLindsatron 1(800)868-3403

Paul Bentley: First of all, I have got to point out how beautiful Lindsay was in this Waltz! I always like some elegance on this show in the mix of spicy Latin dances and high-production performances. And Calvin did transmit some elegance in the dance this time around like he had for his Viennese Waltz in week 3! But as much as he was a leading man and kept a steady frame, his feet were clunky at times, which I have seen as a problem in a few dances so far this season. But everything else was cohesively put together and enriched with delicacy, even if Calvin’s feet were beneath him. These two keep pulling out the stops, and have proved to be able to conquer various styles of dance.
Bentley’s Score: 9

Julia: This was a great dance, even though I wish they’d worn the cat outfits at least on their heads and faces. Calvin showed grace and elegance throughout the performance and had great technique. At times it seemed like he was chasing the music, but he had a great frame and the dance was lovely.
Julia’s Score: 9

James Hinchcliffe and Jenna Johnson (Sharna Burgess)
Jazz: A Brand New Day by Luther Vandross
Broadway Show Theme: The Wiz
The Judges’ Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9 (36/40) Tied For Lowest Individual Dance Score
#TeamStopAndGo 1(800)868-3405

Paul Bentley: I just cannot get enough of James’s performances! When I think of a Broadway dance, this is the type of dance I think of. I love how the dance was the storyline of going down the yellow brick road and meeting the other characters to the Emerald City, which truly made the dance showstopping! It’s too bad, though, that James was ahead at the beginning, but like every good dancer, he redeemed himself from that. The charm in this dance is what made the biggest impact on me, especially with James’s charismatic quality. He once again performed well with Jenna, even though I missed seeing Sharna on the dance floor. But I loved the fact that she was the good witch, though! It was a nice touch!
Bentley’s Score: 9

Julia: I was disappointed Sharna was unable to dance this week, but glad she took care of herself. We’ve all talked about the mistake to death but other than that James gave a great performance. I wasn’t really a fan of the choreography as it seemed a bit static to me, and I didn’t understand the costumes except for the background dancers’ and Sharna’s in the Sky Box. (Yes I’m very picky about that stuff on a theme week like this.) So yeah this one was fine objectively but didn’t appeal to my personal tastes.
Julia’s Score: 9

Terra Jolé and Sasha Farber
Charleston: If My Friends Could See Me Now by Cy Coleman
Broadway Show Theme: Sweet Charity
The Judges’ Scores: 10, 10, 9, 9 (38/40)
#TeamXL 1(800)868-3412

Paul Bentley: Terra broke out as a bigger star than ever this week, and it was perfect timing for her as the finale is approaching. Sasha might have had to change up the choreography for Terra, but everything that they did was spectacular! The choreography itself had whacky character in it, and Terra delivered on it! The dances were smooth, the Charleston steps were all sharp, and the timing was better this time around than it ever was before for her. It is with dances like this that Terra dances amazingly, and not just for a little person!
Bentley’s Score: 10

Julia: It’s 12:30 am as I’m writing this but I agree with everything Bentley said and this was probably my favorite of theirs yet. Very happy they were able to make the Charleston work for Terra’s body! I feel like I should say more but I need to go to bed soon so I’ll move on. Just know that I was very impressed and am hoping to see these two in the Finals.
Julia’s Score: 10

Jana Kramer and Gleb Savchenko
Waltz: She Used to Be Mine by Sara Bareilles
Broadway Show Theme: Waitress
The Judges’ Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10 (40/40) Tied For Highest Individual Dance Score
#TeamGlamer 1(800)868-3406

Paul Bentley: Jana’s movement is so neat and so clean that her technique becomes flawless. She moves in an organic and uniform way that is incredibly hard to master. This Waltz (which by the way, would have been better suited for a Viennese Waltz, but whatever) came off as effortless, just like her Contemporary in week 5. She and Gleb really have a strong connection, and seeing it transmitted in the way it was this week was refreshing and stunning. With competition as tight as it is this season, though, I am wondering if her dance quality is enough to give her the Mirror Ball Trophy. She has quite the road in front of her, but her performances do help her a lot on her journey to the Finals!
Bentley’s Score: 10

Julia: This was the most impressed I’ve been with Jana in awhile, and I was happy the Gleb was able to dance in the number! Again, everything Bentley said and on the subject of whether or not she’ll win: she won’t. That’s not to take away from her amazing dance and performance abilities, though!
Julia’s Score: 10

Laurie Hernandez and Valentin Chmerkovskiy
Argentine Tango: Cell Block Tango by Kander and Ebb
Broadway Show Theme: Chicago
The Judges’ Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10 (40/40) Tied For Highest Individual Dance Score
#TeamValaur 1(800)868-3407

Paul Bentley: Alright, I’m saying it. This is one of my favorite dances of the season so far! Laurie was so in tune with the dance that every little gesture from a wink to a spin of jail bars was full of passion. Laurie pulled off some stellar tricks with Val with such power and sharpness that added to her character coming to life. Her legs were on point, just as well as everything else in the routine, making it an Argentine Tango to remember! Laurie and Val never fail to entertain, and this was by far their most entertaining dance yet!
Bentley’s Score: 10

Julia: I loved this dance. I loved Laurie’s characterization, her technique, and her commitment to the performance. BUT...there were some mistakes in there so I don’t think the perfect score was justified. They were few and minor, but it bothered me that not one of the four judges caught any of them (they were mostly her missing a few moves). This was still one of the most enjoyable performance from Laurie and Val, though.
Julia’s Score: 9

Rankings of the Week 9 Individual Dances

Paul Bentley
1. Laurie & Val
2. Jana & Gleb
3. Terra & Sasha
4. James & Jenna (Sharna)
5. Calvin & Lindsay
6. Marilu & Derek

Julia Delbel
1. Jana & Gleb
2. Terra & Sasha
3. Laurie & Val
4. Calvin & Lindsay
5. Marilu & Derek
6. James & Jenna (Sharna)

The Team-Up Challenge

Each couple teamed up with another to create one showstopping dance.

Calvin & Lindsay and James & Jenna
Paso Doble: No Good by Kaleo
The Judges’ Scores: 9, 9, 10, 9 (37/40)

Paul Bentley: We’ve seen a lot of western themes on this show, but I think this Paso Doble might have been the best. I love the fact that Calvin and James are such good friends, and how that transpired into the dance to add some unity in the dance that intelligently contrasted to the wild west showdown theme of the performance. I think that the mixture of fierceness and friendliness meshed well for this particular dance, making it seem more like friendly competition than anything. Jenna and Lindsay played as good comrades of the characters of the sheriff and the thief, but they still allowed their partners to shine from their own abilities. Overall, it was a solid Paso Doble and it managed to combine different elements in a way that made the performance unique.
Bentley’s Score: 10

Julia: This was pretty good and I liked the story. The Western theme was a great choice for the personalities of those involved in the number! Calvin and James had great technique and power in their Paso Doble steps. I did notice that they were out of sync at some points and some of their facial expressions-Calvin’s in particular-seemed a little forced and off, which thankfully didn’t detract too much from how good the rest of the dance was.
Julia’s Score: 9

Marilu & Derek and Terra & Sasha
Jazz: Big Noise From Winnetka by Bette Midler
The Judges’ Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9 (36/40) Lowest Team-Up Dance Score

Paul Bentley: This dance was like a party-- and I always like a good party! This Jazz dance allowed for Marilu and Terra to to just let loose and have fun with the unique concept given to them. I absolutely loved all of the little bells and whistles that were added in just for some flair while still putting in a variety of Jazz content. This might have been the underdog team, but just like the Cubs, they had a superior performance! Derek and Sasha let their partners dance on their own to show how they can reflect some light off of each other, which was something brave that paid off in the long run. There were problems with synchronicity, which I wish I didn’t see, but because of it, I cannot give it a ten. It was still glamorous and wild, which to me, makes it more showstopping than the other two team-up dances.
Bentley’s Score: 9

Julia: Once again I agree with everything Bentley said. Regarding the sync issues, I noticed Marilu was moving kind of small for most of the performance which is what I think caused it. I think she may have been deliberately moving that way to try to match Terra, which is a mindset I understand, but I think it would have looked better had she just gone all-out like Terra did. But yeah, this was another routine I really liked.
Julia’s Score: 9

Jana & Gleb and Laurie & Val
Contemporary: Bird Set Free by Sia
The Judges’ Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10 (40/40) Highest Team-Up Dance Score

Paul Bentley: Jana and Laurie created art in their movement with their forces joined together as well as how they danced on their own. It is obvious that Laurie is the Olympian between the two, though, because of how refined her movements are, but I would not expect Jana to dance like an Olympic gymnast would, especially because Jana’s quality of motion is special in her own unique way. I didn’t even pay attention to Gleb and Val, which says a lot about Jana and Laurie’s performance qualities because it is hard for me to keep my eyes off of the professional dancers on this show! I loved the set and everything done with it, which tied together everything that was so great about this number. It was eerily beautiful!
Bentley’s Score: 10

Julia: Jana and Laurie were very well matched for this challenge. They both had great technique and chemistry with their partners and with each other. This number was very powerful and emotional, which was a nice contrast to the other two team routines of the night which were more silly. Just a great dance to end the episode on!
Julia’s Score: 10

Rankings of the Week 9 Team-Up Dances

Paul Bentley
1. James & Jenna (Sharna) and Calvin & Lindsay
2. Jana & Gleb and Laurie & Val
3. Marilu & Derek and Terra & Sasha

Julia Delbel
1. Jana & Gleb and Laurie & Val
2. Marilu & Derek and Terra & Sasha
3. James & Jenna (Sharna) and Calvin & Lindsay

Total Combined Scores For Week 9

Jana and Gleb 40/40 + 40/40 = 80/80
Laurie and Val 40/40 + 40/40 = 80/80
Calvin and Lindsay 37/40 + 37/40 = 74/80
Terra and Sasha 38/40 + 36/40 = 74/80
James and Sharna 36/40 + 37/40 = 73/80
Marilu and Derek 36/40 + 36/40 = 72/80 Eliminated- 6th

Predictions For Elimination

Paul Bentley: The scores are so close this week! In all honesty, despite her perfect score on Monday, I think Jana will be the next to go. I like Jana, and she comes off as a likable person, but I am wondering if she is getting the same amount of votes as the other couples. If she is not eliminated, I think it might be Terra, but I think that is a lot less likely.

Julia: James was at the bottom of the leaderboard this week but it’s pretty obvious he’s going to be safe on Monday despite that. I expect Laurie is also getting a lot of votes so I’m sure she’ll be in the Finals too. So any of the other three could go home and I wouldn’t be too surprised. At the beginning of the week I was pretty sure Terra would be the one, but after seeing some dub Calvin’s Week 9 dances “unmemorable” compared to hers and how few people are claiming to be voting for him despite enjoying his presence on the show, I think he could be in some trouble. Plus, Terra’s assignments for Week 10 seem designed to make sure she gets eliminated before the last night of competition so that could be an indicator she’s getting a lot of votes. There also seems to be a decent chance of Jana being next to go since the margins are pretty tight this week (probably the best-case scenario in my mind) but I have a feeling it’s probably going to boil down to who was able to get the one vote over the other required to be safe out of Calvin and Terra.

MVP (Most Valuable Pro) Choices For Week 9

Paul Bentley: Derek Hough definitely earns some credit for being by Marilu’s side this season! He has always believed in Marilu from the very beginning, and has brought out some amazing things out her. And I’ll tell you what-- he didn’t go easy on her. And I think Marilu likes that. She is a big fan of the show, and I feel like she genuinely wanted to learn so dance steps, rather than just get the money and exposure. I don’t think Marilu could have shined as much as she did without Derek. The Samba that they danced on Monday was the perfect model of all the hard work that those two put into everything this season, and the team-up Jazz showcased how entertaining they are. Both Derek and Sasha made Marilu and Terra stand out in their team-up dance, and overall, it was just fun. Derek’s genius was brought out in both of those dances in different ways, which makes me a bit bummed that he and Marilu were eliminated.

Julia: I didn’t comment too much on either of the routines this pro was involved in because I feel like everything had already been said, but I was most impressed by Sasha Farber this week. I know Charleston was an especially hard style to choreograph for Terra and I thought it turned out amazingly, and I also enjoyed his contributions to the Jazz duet later in the show. (The giant skirt bit was actually his idea!) More challenges lie ahead next week, but I am no longer worried because after this week and everything else I’ve seen so far this season I have total faith in Sasha (and Terra) to figure them out and produce some great performances!

Additional Comments

Paul Bentley: This is probably the most I’ve ever agreed with the judges in one night. Even Idina Menzel was pretty consistent with her scores. But the fact that only nines and tens were given out this week shows that the couples left need to focus on more than just their dancing, but appealing to the audience for votes, too. Anyone can justifiably be eliminated next week!

Julia: Apart from the perfect score for Laurie’s Argentine Tango I agree that this was the most the judges have made sense in a long time, and this is coming from someone who hates when they give out 9’s and 10’s like candy in the final weeks. I think everyone genuinely earned them in this episode!

Julia: Next week is the Trio round which is always fun. I see that four out of the five people from last season were chosen as the “third wheel” (the only difference is that Maks will be in one this time and Hayley won’t be) so not much variety there, but most of them will be working with different pros than last time, and of course they will all be with new celebrities! I also noticed that while Lindsay and Witney will be in yet another routine together, it will be a Salsa instead of their usual Paso Doble we’ve seen for the past four seasons.

Follow Us on Twitter! (links)
Paul Bentley: @TheBentleyNinja
Julia Delbel: @juliadelbel
Fangirl: @24_7dwts
Katie Henry: @katiegotbandzz
Angelina Mikheeva: @angelinarose42
The DWTS 2016 Social Square (run by Paul Bentley): @DWTS2016

What did you think of Showstoppers Night on Dancing With the Stars? How showstopping did you find the individual Broadway performances? Which team-up dance did you like the most? What did you think of Marilu and Derek’s elimination? Who do you think will be eliminated next week, coming in fifth place?

Next week is the Semifinals of DWTS! Each celebrity will perform an individual dance with their partner, and then they will perform a second dance with both their partner as well as another pro for the trio dance round! Then, the final couple will be eliminated before the season 23 two-night finale!

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