Saturday, September 17, 2016

Dancing With the Stars Season 23 - Week 1 (Premiere) Review [Angelina, Bentley, Fangirl, Julia, Katie]

From great dancing to scary protests, the season 23 premiere of Dancing With the Stars was full of excitement!

So, here are our thoughts from the premiere by Angelina Mikheeva, Katie Henry, Paul Bentley, Julia Delbel, and Fangirl!

[This Season’s Hosts: Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews]
[Order of the Judges’ Scores: Carrie Ann Inaba, Len Goodman, Julianne Hough, Bruno Tonioli}

Taxi actress Marilu Henner and her partner Derek Hough
Jive: Can’t Stop Dancing by Captain and Tennille
The Judges’ Scores: 7, 7, 6, 7 (27/40)
#TeamHennergy 1(800)868-3408

Angelina: Overall I loved her enthusiasm. I didn’t really like her technique though. Her knees would never come together though but for a first time performance to have so many steps and for jive it was so good! I do have to agree with her upper body being a bit stiff but she was obviously just nervous.
Angelina’s Score: 7

Katie: Marilu Henner is ALL of us if we were paired with Derek. I absolutely loved their first meet and how excited is to be a part of this journey. I think she let her energy get the best of her a little bit, plus Derek did not go easy on the choreography. I was missing the sharpness in the kicks and flicks, but overall, this was a good start to her season! I can’t wait to see what Derek gives her content wise in their foxtrot next week.
Katie’s Score: 6

Paul Bentley: This isn’t exactly what I’d call a show-stopping first dance, but it was commendable. Marilu did, as many people predicted, bring a lot of energy to the dance floor, but it wasn’t on par with some of the other high energy performances, such as Calvin, Vanilla Ice, and Terra. I applaud Marilu for keeping up with the relatively complex choreography that Derek gave her, but she needs to polish her in-between moves so the transitions between each step are more seamless. This Jive had tons of personality, and now I want to see some other sides to her!
Bentley’s Score: 7

Julia: I’m very happy to see Marilu on Dancing With the Stars, and it is also awesome that Derek is back! Jive is a tough assignment for Week 1 especially for those who are older like Marilu. She had a lot of energy which was great, but felt very rushed and unpolished. I do appreciate that Derek actually gave her a lot of content, though, because that was severely lacking in a majority of the dances this week. But seriously, why are we still seeing dances done on that tiny little platform? It usually seems to trip people up.
Julia’s Score: 6

Fangirl: To be completely honest, I was very confused by all the judges high praise after this routine. I don’t think it was technically as difficult as some of the other routines nor a show stopping performance. Like Angelina said above, she needs to work on her knees coming together and fast sharp kicks and flicks. Overall though, she had a great first routine and I loved her excitement and energy!  
Fangirl’s score: 6

Race car driver James Hinchcliffe and his partner Sharna Burgess
Foxtrot: Live Life by Zayde Wølfe
The Judges’ Scores: 8, 8, 7, 8 (31/40) Highest Score of the Night
#TeamStopAndGo 1(800)868-3404

Angelina: James’ had a certain poise and elegance to him that I enjoyed very much. The flow was amazing and I was so surprised by him. I love his personality from what we’ve seen, and I agree with Bruno, I cannot wait to see him in Latin. He is so calm but has that passion and drive to win and be the best he can be. Yes, there were small technicalities but again, it’s week 1 and he already did so well.
Angelina’s Score: 8

Katie: James is this season’s dark horse. He had amazing energy and delivered a really competent foxtrot. I wasn’t necessarily wowed by it, but he’s got a wonderful personality that is going to take him far. I think he’s going to be one that surprise us this season. Can’t wait to see him in Latin!
Katie’s Score: 8

Paul Bentley: This Foxtrot was pretty darn good. James has most of the ballroom technique down when it comes to the slower parts, and is only a tad clumsy during some footwork sections. He is so suave and light in his movements, but I would have liked to see some pizazz mixed in there. James and Sharna’s partnership is absolutely amazing, and if James’s dancing doesn’t bring him to the end, his light-hearted, fun, and yet competitive personality will get him there!
Bentley’s Score: 8

Julia: I’m already loving this partnership, and they had a great first dance! His knees looked a little strange and perhaps too bent at times, but this was an awesome way to start their season. I do worry about how James will do with some of the Latin dances, but he has a great personality, so I think we’ll be seeing him in the finals.
Julia’s Score: 8

Fangirl: I think James did amazing his first week. He needs to work on his head placement and shoulders down when in frame but overall it was an amazing first week for him. I loved his attitude and energy and can’t wait to see him do Latin or contemporary!
Fangirl’s Score: 8

Detroit Lions wide receiver Calvin Johnson, Jr. and his partner Lindsay Arnold
Cha-Cha-Cha: That’s What I Like by Flo Rida featuring Fitz Lunchmoney
The Judges’ Scores: 7, 6, 6, 7 (26/40)
#TeamLindsatron 1(800)868-3402

Angelina: I think it is very unfair to him when people were judging him when he hadn’t even danced once. In my opinion he was so good! I definitely saw some footwork errors but again, it’s week 1 and for that he did very well, there was rhythm he was on beat so I am excited to see where they go.
Angelina’s Score: 7

Katie: Calvin had amazing energy tonight! There’s a long way to go in terms of refinement but he did have a really nice moment towards the end of his dance where he had really strong footwork. The potential is definitely there! Lindsay is really excited to be with him and when the couples have great energy, it’s going to make for a fun season to watch.
Katie’s Score: 7

Paul Bentley: Calvin dances in such a way in which his large stature and big feet aren’t even noticeable. Linday’s genius with Calvin’s clear hard work made the size 15 shoes not even a factor. When I saw this Cha-Cha-Cha, all I saw were two people having a great time, and in nearly perfect sync. I would even go as far as saying that Calvin was in the most sync out of every male contestant in the premiere! I do have to say, though, that Calvin needs to learn how to move his feet and legs without tipping his entire body over. He also needs to become more of a leader in his dancing, but overall, this dance was a pleasure to watch!
Bentley’s Score: 7

Julia: I don’t think it was fair that people were prematurely judging Calvin so harshly, but he proved them wrong with his Cha-Cha! I loved how smooth he was and he and Lindsay have some nice chemistry. Definitely looking forward to seeing more from this couple.
Julia’s Score: 7

Fangirl:  I think Calvin proved America wrong. He didn't miss a single step and was very sharp and clean. He had great rhythm and aced the basic cha cha cha step.  I think he needs to be less tight and loosen up in his shoulders and arms but for the first week it was a great start! I am really surprised that the height difference did not affect him as much as I thought it would.
Fangirl’s Score: 7

The Brady Bunch actress Maureen McCormick and her partner Artem Chigvintsev
Viennese Waltz: You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman by Mary G. Blige
The Judges’ Scores: 6, 5, 5, 6 (22/40)
#TeamMaureen 1(800)868-3409

Angelina: I adore her passion. She is such a sweetheart and I do think she’ll go far. She definitely has a different and higher enthusiasm level than what I saw her with at the GMA cast party. I am so in love with how much she wants this and how much effort she is willing to put in it. She had a very nice flow and I think Artem will be good for her. I think she needed to relax a bit because it was such a soft and elegant dance that I think she had too much energy which would be better for a dance like jive or samba. Hopefully, by next week she can work on that and will be used to it and be able to work on a few technique errors.
Angelina’s Score: 6

Katie: I was NOT expecting to see such a sensitive and nurturing side to Artem this week. I was surprised that Maureen was so nervous and scared, but I agree 100% with Carrie Ann that she just needs to trust Artem. From what we saw, Artem is ready for this kind of partnership. I was reminded a little bit of season 19 and how soft he was with Lea. Maureen’s lines weren’t awful and she had good fluidity for week one. Once they develop their partnership a little more, I think we’ll be able to see some great ballroom from Maureen.
Katie’s Score: 6

Paul Bentley: Am I the only one who thought that Maureen’s package before her dance was laughable? She seems so fake, and the first impressions of her personality are very off putting. Oddly enough, Maureen being on Dancing With the Stars made me like her less than what I thought of her before. Maybe she just had a bad edit, but I highly doubt it. Anyway, as for the dancing, it started out okay, but it became very underwhelming. As Carrie Ann said, she needs to trust Artem more. She needs to realize that she is dancing in a unit, and that she actually has a partner in front of her. Some of her lines were nice, but others were just awkward. I hope that I get to see a better Maureen in future weeks of the show!
Bentley’s Score: 6

Julia: I was very concerned about how Artem would be with Maureen, but so far he seems to be doing a good job at being her partner. She was clearly nervous on Monday night, but I think she’ll have a good journey on the show.
Julia’s Score: 6

Fangirl: I agree with Bentley on how Maureen could seem “fake” but I think she is here for the right reasons. She seems like she is very grateful for the opportunity and is ready to embark on a personal journey. Dancing with the Stars is all about journeys and if Artem is patient and calm Maureen will have a great one. She does have a lot things to improve on. Her lines were very rigid and choppy. I think she needs to relax more and just feel the music. Like Bentley said above I think she needs to remember that her and Artem are a team. With all that said, I am excited to see how she improved throughout the season.
Fangirl’s Score: 6

R&B singer-songwriter Kenny “Babyface” Edmonds and his partner Allison Holker
Foxtrot: Deed I Do by Ray Charles
The Judges’ Scores: 7, 6, 6, 7 (26/40)
#TeamHolkerFace 1(800)868-3406

Angelina: He was very good! I loved the flow and how classy the dance was overall. I am excited to see where this partnership will go because Allison is so excited for this and how high energy she is, I think it will go very well.
Angelina’s Score: 7

Katie: I was pleasantly surprised by Babyface’s foxtrot! Allison created a perfect routine that matched his personality. I would have liked to have seen a little more foxtrot content because there seemed to be a lot of side by side. However, they’ve proven that they mesh really well as a partnership. They’ve got amazing energy together and I can’t wait to see what they come up with next week.
Katie’s Score: 7

Paul Bentley: From the season premiere overall, it seemed as though Babyface got lost in the mix of the show, which could be detrimental to his votes. As far as the Foxtrot goes, he was actually sharp in his movements. His hold could have been stronger, but there just wasn’t enough of it in the dance for me to get an idea of what his endurance is like in hold. This is one of Allison’s better dances that she has choreographed, but there was too much side-by-side for my liking. Kenny needs to work on not throwing his arms away and keeping a less awkward frame. If he keeps pushing forward in his movements, he might actually move on up as a larger contestant in this season!
Bentley’s Score: 6

Julia: This was actually a lot better than I expected, and one of Allison’s stronger attempts at Ballroom choreography. She also “danced down” a bit so as not to overshadow him, which I also greatly appreciated. As for babyface himself, I like his positive attitude and he was fun to watch on the dance floor.
Julia’s Score: 7

Fangirl:  I was very surprised with Babyface’s performance. Before the season started I thought he was going to have very low energy and not try as hard as other contenders.  I thought Allison created a dance that fitted his personality. I have to agree with all the other bloggers I thought there was a ton of side to side for a foxtrot. There needed to be a little more hold for my liking. I think he needs to control his arm, neck, and head  placement. If Allison helps him become more comfortable with the ballroom frame he will be a contender for sure this season.
Fangirl's Score: 7

Model/Actress Amber Rose and her partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy
Foxtrot: Here by Alessia Cara
Judges’ Scores: 6, 6, 6, 6 (24/40)
#TeamSpicySalsa 1(800)868-3401

Angelina: She had a nice flow I think she should’ve shown her most comfortable side of her. I would like to see more of what she can do. I think she has great potential and I hope she takes today’s critique and works on it throughout the week. With that said, I think she could also go very far within this competition.
Angelina’s Score: 6

Katie: I was really pleasantly surprised by Amber. I think she’s got a natural talent that she doesn’t realize. What i’m really surprised about is that there seemed to be a lack of confidence from her which was interesting to me since she has such a dynamic personality. I think she’s got amazing potential, though, and Maks is the perfect partner to match her personality wise and to bring out the confidence that we’re missing. Her energy will definitely come through in the Latin dances.
Katie’s Score: 7

Paul Bentley: I’m starting to really like Amber’s outgoing, unfiltered, and unconventional personality. Maks (at least so far) seems to be just the person to bring Amber to the final weeks of the competition. Their Foxtrot was phenomenal at certain parts, but at other parts it seemed as though she lost energy and became a little bit timid. I think out of every couple this season, Amber and Maks are the ones to grow the most from their first dance. As Len said to Mike “The Situation” in season 11, I believe that Amber has the guns, but she just does not have the ammunition. She needs to let go and give us what she would have given back in her days as an exotic dancer!
Bentley’s Score: 7

Julia: With this couple, I thought I was going to enjoy their dancing but dislike their partnership. Turns out it’s the opposite. They seem to have a very sweet relationship which is nice but this dance wasn’t quite as good as I had expected and I think that had a lot to do with the choreography. It was just weird, and not in a good way. I do think Amber did a decent enough job though.
Julia’s Score: 7

Fangirl:  Maks seems way more calmer and happier this season which benefits him when teaching. I think fatherhood looks amazing on him. Anyways, I love this partnership. They are very unfiltered and straight to the point. I have to admit I was expecting a little more from Amber. He lines were at times choppy but I think she could at least make it have way through the competition if she works on her frame! I am so excited to see what the come up for the upcoming weeks!
Fangirl's Score: 7

Rapper Vanilla Ice and his partner Witney Carson
Cha-Cha-Cha: Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice
The Judges’ Scores: 7, 5, 6, 7 (25/40)
#TeamICEnSPICE 1(800)868-3413

Angelina: I really liked how he put his own spin on the dance but I have to kind of agree with Len. From the cha cha that was in the dance, I saw it was kind of sloppy with a lot of bent knees. I think he also has a lot of potential but he needs to really work on his content within his ballroom experience.
Angelina’s Score: 6

Katie: “Ice Ice Baby” week one? Goundbreaking. Honestly, I had the same reaction as Julianne because surprise, I love the song. But the whole routine was very predictable, and there was hardly any cha cha in there. The cha cha content that was in there wasn’t very clean. Witney’s very good at creating really great performances, but there’s still a huge lack of content. Vanilla’s got a great sense of rhythm but we didn’t really get to see what he can do technique was. It’s hard to tell how he’ll do when he gets a ballroom dance.
Katie’s Score: 5

Paul Bentley: It is almost aggravating how Witney is constantly told how her choreography needs more content, yet she still choreographs dances like this that barely have any content. It’s a shame, too, because it looks like Vanilla Ice has tons of potential from the few Latin steps he did do, but we just didn’t see him to his full extent. Vanilla Ice definitely has a superb sense of rhythm, but his feet are very lazy. It was no doubt a fun number, but it was not the number that I wanted to see from these two. Time to get back to the ballroom basics!
Bentley’s Score: 6

Julia: This is another partnership where I’m enjoying the relationship but not so much the dancing. As an exhibition number it was fun but I don’t even know how to properly judge it because there was virtually no Cha-Cha content in the dance. The little bit he did do didn’t look that great, maybe because he didn’t have a lot of time to rehearse? This is why I’m not keen on celebrities splitting time between this show and other major time-consuming projects, especially ones that involve a lot of travel.
Julia’s Score: 6

Fangirl:  I have to agree with Bentley, I get so aggravated when Witney is constantly told that her routines don't have enough content yet she never actually listens to the judges. She just does the same thing over and over again. I think Rob has a lot of potential Witney just needs to help him show it. I loved the hip hop parts of his routine but he needs to do more than just hip hop. His rhythm is exceptional and I look forward to his next routine.
Fangirl’s Score: 6

One Tree Hill actress/Country singer Jana Kramer and her partner Gleb Savchenko
Viennese Waltz: Dangerous Woman by Ariana Woman
The Judges’ Scores: 7, 6, 6, 8 (27/40)
#TeamGlamer 1(800)868-3405

Angelina: I love her and Gleb’s chemistry. She was amazing! Her posture was so great along with her form, I saw few footwork errors such as not pointing toes when there were leg lifts, etc. As much as I loved this, I would’ve liked it more traditional especially for the first week. We see they have the chemistry, but do they have the steps and the basis? Personally, I want to change my list of what place everyone may get because they could easily get into team 5.
Angelina’s Score: 7

Katie: YAS. QUEEN. Team Glamer has amazing chemistry. I was surprised that their Viennese Waltz wasn’t traditional but like Bruno, I like when things get a little sexier and bring a little heat to the ballroom. Jana’s said on social media that her nerves are getting the best of her so I hope she can overcome that! She’s got so much potential and she and Gleb have obvious chemistry. They can easily make the finals if they refine a little bit of the basics.
Katie’s Score: 8

Paul Bentley: There’s no denying that Jana and Gleb are the sexiest dancers this season, but this Viennese Waltz was a bit disappointing. Jana’s connection with Gleb was as intimate as it could get, but that can only do so much for a dance. Those little moments that Gleb added in where they would just pause in close positions really ruined the flow and counting of the Viennese Waltz. Not for the first time of the night, there just wasn’t enough content. Jana nailed the few bars that were actually in hold, but the was only a fraction of the dance. She was also too extended with her legs at certain points and failed to smoothly transition between each movement without an awkward stutter. I can see that Jana is in it to win it, but she needs to rely more on her natural dancing ability than her connection with Gleb.
Bentley’s Score: 6

Julia: I already love this couple but I’m having some issues with them as well. For one thing, they’re already being portrayed as the “sexy” ones and while I do think they are I sincerely hope that won’t be the only thing they will be known for on the show. There’s a lot more to their partnership than that aspect of it. Also, I was disappointed that here we have yet ANOTHER dance without a lot of actual Viennese Waltz content. I think Jana could have handled it and it would have gotten them better scores.
Julia’s Score: 7

Fangirl: Two words: VERY HOT. I think they have insane chemistry. I was very surprised that Gleb choreographer such an untraditional Viennese Waltz. She still has a lot of things to work on such as not being so awkward and extending her lines. Like Bentley said, she needs to not over extend her lines and work on not tightening up so much. Super excited for this couple!
Fangirl’s score: 7

Wizards of Waverly Place/The Fosters actor Jake T. Austin and his partner Jenna Johnson
Jive: Kiss You by One DIrection
The Judges’ Scores: 5, 6, 5, 6 (22/40)
#TeamJSquared 1(800)868-3403

Angelina: Jive is a very hard dance especially to start with. I have to agree with Julianne because I did see him trying to keep up with Jenna and slipped up a bit. I would’ve liked to see some more energy from Jake because it is such a high energy dance but I’m sure he was nervous and not knowing what to expect as many are. There also wasn't a good balance of choreography. Jake had very few steps and Jenna was doing a number of advanced moves which is way too much for Week 1. That is what made a big difference their first night, one had too much, & another too little, but they need a good balance. I think Jenna was trying to redeem herself as a pro but I think it just didn't go as planned. I think they can improve, especially after seeing their chemistry when they’re together so I'm very excited for this partnership!
Angelina’s Score: 6

Katie: Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Jenna and I’m so excited to see her as a pro this season. Having said that, I feel like she was trying a little too hard to prove herself as a pro. The jive she choreographed was FULL of content. However, they do have great energy and chemistry. If they can make it past week one, they can definitely improve. I just hope it comes naturally and isn’t as forced as it was tonight.
Katie’s score: 6

Paul Bentley: There’s a lot I could say about this performance, but unfortunately, to be frank, this Jive was just bad. Not only did Jenna practically just dance around him, but Jake just seemed like he was not into the dance. I don’t blame him, though, because Kiss You is one of the worst songs ever used for a Jive on this show. . . it’s just way too slow, which led to Jenna not adding in a lot of basic Jive steps for Jake. Jake’s feet themselves were a big problem, too, since he barely even lifted them off of the ground. There were a few moments where Jake got the dynamic movements of slow to fast perfect, but it wasn’t without him not matching up with Jenna. This couple could be in trouble, but if Jake takes the judges’ notes into consideration, he can learn how to make his dancing look more visually appealing by next week.
Bentley’s Score: 5

Julia: Well, Jake didn’t come across like a total douche, but he didn’t seem as invested in the show as everyone else. He and Jenna did get a bad song for a Jive, and he seemed to have a lot of difficulty keeping up with her. I love Jenna’s enthusiasm and work ethic and definitely appreciate the content in this routine, but I fear Jenna may become the show’s next “kitchen sink” choreographer, and her over-dancing Jake probably didn’t help either. On top of all this, Jenna isn’t a “name” pro and it doesn’t seem like Jake would appeal to the main demographic of DWTS viewers. These two will have to turn things around in a big way next week or they could be in serious trouble.
Julia’s Score: 6

Fangirl: I was very disappointed with this dance . I expected more from Jake. I absolutely love Jenna and I am so excited for her to be a pro but I was not a fan of this dance. Don't get me wrong that jive she choreographed was full of content but it was just too advanced for Jake in Week 1. There were so sections where he totally had it and others where he fell apart. It seemed like Jenna was the star of the dance and Jake was just trying to keep up. He seemed to have very low energy and his kicks and flicks were very messy. He needs to work on dynamic movements and keep high energy the whole dance. I can't wait to see them improve throughout the season!
Fangirl’s Score: 6

Texas governor Rick Perry and his partner Emma Slater
Cha-Cha-Cha: God Bless Texas by Little Texas
The Judges’ Scores: 5, 5, 5, 5 (20/40) Lowest Score of the Night
#TeamDanceForOurVets 1(800)868-3410

Angelina: Rick has a good energy level but he was off count. He didn’t really have a flow, he more just walked along with Emma trying to keep up. I hope that Emma will be able to help him improve and can stay in the competition for at least a bit because she has true talent that needs to be shown. If not, there is always next season. I think Rick is excited but needs to put a lot more work into it.
Angelina’s Score: 5

Katie: I was surprised at how much energy Rick had tonight. Their cha cha was at least fun to watch, but there’s a lot to do in terms of refinement. I don’t think he’ll be the first one out. Energy and performance value can make up for a lot in the skill department, but he’s still got a long way to go.
Katie’s Score: 5

Paul Bentley: I figured that Rick wasn’t going to be very good at dancing, but I expected to at least get a really entertaining routine, such as what Edyta did with Geraldo last season. However, the entertainment was strongly mediocre. The technique was practically nonexistent, especially because Emma didn’t give him too many Cha-Cha-Cha steps (but she wasn’t the only one!). I do have to say, despite his lack of attention to detail, Rick definitely found solid placing from beginning to end. Even though he did have a lackluster performance, Rick’s great personality still shines through on camera!
Bentley’s Score: 4

Julia: I like how all of the older contestants this season seem to be “with it” (I’ve found in past seasons some of them didn’t seem to be “all there” when they danced) and Rick is no exception. He seems invested and willing to work hard which is good but I don’t like Latin is his forte. I do appreciate the fact that he was given at least a few Cha-Cha steps but he wasn’t really able to do them due to his stiffness and was a little behind for most of the routine which made it awkward.
Julia’s Score: 5

Fangirl: I love Emma and I keep waiting for them to give her someone with potential and who is not older than 60. I think Rick seems very sweet and their partnership seems very endearing but that dance was terrible. There was not a single cha cha cha step, his rhythm was off, and the energy was very mediocre. He still has a long way to go and I look forward to see is dances in the upcoming weeks.
Fangirl Score: 5

Little Women: L.A. reality star Terra Jolé and her partner Sasha Farber
Jive: Stuff Like That There by Betty Hutton
The Judges’ Scores: 7, 6, 6, 6 (25/40)
#TeamXL 1(800)868-3412

Angelina: Terra has an amazing determination and I was so excited for her performance. Her performance was beautiful!! She is such an inspiring person and the amount of hard work she is putting into this is just amazing. Hopefully, she works on footwork or keeping the energy up while dancing and jumping while bringing the knees up considering she said she doesn’t want that obstacle to be seen or paid attention to but I see just people who can’t dance that well for the first time! I am excited to see how far she will go and she truly does have a chance of taking the mirrorball trophy.
Angelina’s Score: 7

Katie: Terra and Sasha had amazing energy Monday night. It's clear she WANTS to be here. She's got great sense of rhythm and Sasha created a great routine for her. Next step is to work on her musicality a little bit and really working at interpreting the music.
Katie's Score: 7

Paul Bentley: It was blatantly obvious that Terra gave it her all on the dance floor, but she still has a mountain to climb due to her height playing a major factor in her performances. And I think that it’s just a matter of time before we see her getting used to dancing with Sasha, and becoming more of a competitor on the show. She definitely has the amazing stage presence and high energy to stand out from the rest of the crowd. However, she hasn’t quite caught up to the music yet. And just like Jake, she needs to pick her feet up more, even though it could be a challenge for her. I appreciate Terra’s enthusiasm and determination, which leads to a lot of wonderful hard-hitting moves, so hopefully that can help clean up some of her footwork mistakes and difficulties turning.
Bentley’s Score: 6

Julia: This was a lot of fun and made me smile. Terra has great stage presence and hits her moves quite hard, but she seems to be having trouble with the turns and there are obvious issues with her legs and feet. I’m glad she got to start with a Jive rather than a dance in hold (though I heard they’re doing one next week). Even if she does have difficulty with some aspects of the dancing, her ability to entertain will make her fun to watch this season.
Julia's Score: 6

Fangirl: I love how hard Terra worked tonight and it really showed in her routine. I think Sasha did a great job showing her abilities vs disabilities. Terra still has a lot to work on but I love her enthusiasm and determination. She had great rhythm and beat so it will be interesting to see how she does next week!
Fangirl's Score: 6

Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte and his partner Cheryl Burke
Foxtrot: Call Me Irresponsible by Michael Bublé
The Judges’ Scores: 6, 6, 6, 6 (24/40)
#TeamCherloch 1(800)868-3411

Angelina: I was surprised by the amount of elegance he brought to the floor. He was stiff in some places and footwork errors, I saw a lot of turned in feet. I do think that he has a lot of potential but people need to move on from his past because it is getting in the way of his experience and just two different things completely. They need to give him a chance because it has nothing to do with whether or not you like him, it’s whether he can dance and Carrie Ann is right, what is brought to the dance floor is what you will be judged on. I think he did well and just needs to be confident and more relaxed while working on his technique.
Angelina’s Score: 7

Katie: DWTS is about redemption. I'm not going to waste much time talking on it because Ryan isn't here to spend any more time talking about the Rio incedent. I was really impressed with his foxtrot. He has a lot of potential, but I see him getting too into his head. He hit some really great lines, he just needs to be relax and trust in his partnership with Cheryl.
Katie’s Score: 7

Paul Bentley: When I watched Ryan’s package for the dance, I felt as though I forgave him for what he did in Río, and gave him a chance to really impress me. And, well, I was impressed. He was quite the gentleman, and actually seems like a really likable guy now (that’s why I always give second chances)! Clearly the protestors that tries to attack him disagreed with me, which is completely okay, but doing what they did by confronting Ryan was completely wrong, no matter who they were protesting against. I actually felt bad for Ryan because he seemed as though he was going to cry, and he probably realizes that his mistake will always follow him throughout his life. But we all make mistakes. Ryan apologized, so what more can we ask from him? I digress. His Foxtrot was quite refreshing after seeing all of the glitter-covered disappointments of dances that came before him. He was very elegant both in hold and fanned out, even though he upper body appeared fairly tense. I think Ryan will gain a whole lot of support through votes because of how bad the vast majority of the audience felt for him, which I actually think is a good thing. I want to see him grow as a dancer as well as show what his personality can really be like. . . America just needs to give him a chance!
Bentley’s Score: 7

Julia: I’m very happy to see that Ryan is working hard on this show, both in dancing and proving his mistake should not define him. I thought he did pretty well with this Foxtrot, despite appearing to be a bit tense. As for the protesters, I’m glad no one got hurt and that the situation was dealt with quickly and seamlessly. I’ve had issues with certain people being cast on this show but I would never do anything like what they did. And I agree with Bentley that while the incident was awful and should not have happened, it will gain Ryan more support on the show.
Julia’s Score: 7

Fangirl: I was absolutely disgusted when those protesters ruined Ryan’s performance. He put in so much hard work and what he got in return was terrible. I think America needs to give this poor guy a second chance and focus on his dancing. I thought he was very elegant and smooth and her lines weren't terrible. He definitely needs to work on losing up in the head and neck section and making sure his feet are not turned in but overall the dance was okay.  I can't wait to see his dance next week!
Fangirl’s Score: 7

Gold medal Olympic gymnast Laurie Hernandez and her partner Valentin Chmerkovskiy
Cha-Cha-Cha: American Girl by Bonnie McKee
The Judges’ Scores: 8, 8, 7, 8 (31/40) Highest Score of the Night
#TeamValaur 1(800)868-3407

Angelina: I think that Laurie is a ray of sunshine and she is amazing. I was not even surprised how amazing she was going to do. She brought it all to the floor and was sharp and great. She had such a beautiful form but I would like to see some more hip action from her. I definitely see her winning the mirrorball trophy.
Angelina’s Score: 8

Katie: Okay so Laurie was the last one to perform which means I was a couple glasses of wine deep so I apologize for everyone who heard my screams via SnapChat… BUT. She was SO much fun to watch this week. She has a natural sharpness about her movements that is going to be so much fun to watch. Her energy and chemistry with Val is so much fun to watch. I agree with Angelina that there could have been a little more hip action but this was amazing for week one. Julianne is on crack.
Katie’s Score: 8

Paul Bentley: I am so glad that the protester fiasco didn’t ruin Laurie’s big moment on the DWTS premiere! She is only 16, but when she is on that dance floor, I can’t tell that she’s that young! Her Olympic gymnast skills make her moves as powerful as anything, and her sense of rhythm through the roof! The Cha-Cha-Cha was a little bit too stop-and-go for my liking, and I have tended to think that a lot about Val’s Latin dances. Laurie is completely aware of every inch of her body, which allows her to be such a powerhouse on the dance floor, just like how she was in the Olympics! One minor criticism that I do have for Laurie is that her fingers were not properly separated in the Latin form. But I am completely nitpicking. I can’t see why anyone would not consider Laurie to be a serious competitor for the Mirror Ball trophy!
Bentley’s Score: 9

Julia: Laurie and Val had to follow up the whole protester issue that had nothing to do with them and not only did they keep their composure they excelled with their routine! They have great chemistry and Laurie seems to be very comfortable with Latin dance. The choreography was quite stop-and-go  Laurie could have moved her hips a little more, and it almost seemed like she lost her footing for a second there. But what a way to come out of the gate!
Julia’s Score: 8

Fangirl: LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. SLAY GIRL SLAY GIRL. She was so much fun to watch and her and Val have such good chemistry as a partnership. She didn't miss a step and was so powerful in her movements. She was sharp and clean and she slayed the cha-cha-cha steps. I agree with the other bloggers that there need to be a little more hip action but she was incredible and I think she deserved a nine for sure! Julianne is crazy for giving her a 7. I am so proud of her and I love love love this partnership .
Fangirl’s Score: 9

Week 1 Dance Rankings
1. Laurie & Val
2. James & Sharna
3. Calvin & Lindsay
4. Ryan & Cheryl
5. Jana & Gleb
6. Amber & Maks
7. Terra & Sasha
8. Marilu & Derek
9. Babyface & Allison
10. Maureen & Artem
11. Vanilla Ice & Witney
12. Jake & Jenna
13. Rick & Emma

1. Laurie and Val
2. Jana and Gleb
3. James and Sharna
4. Calvin and Lindsay
5. Marilu and Derek
6. Amber and Maks
7. Ryan and Cheryl
8. Terra and Sasha
9. Babyface and Allison
10. Maureen and Artem
11. Rick and Emma
12. Vanilla Ice and Witney
13. Jake and Jenna

Paul Bentley
1. Laurie & Val
2. James & Sharna
3. Calvin & Lindsay
4. Ryan & Cheryl
5. Amber & Maks
6. Marilu & Derek
7. Jana & Gleb
8. Babyface & Allison
9. Terra & Sasha
10. Vanilla Ice & Witney
11. Maureen & Artem
12. Jake & Jenna
13. Rick & Emma

Julia Delbel
1. Laurie & Val
2. James & Sharna
3. Calvin & Lindsay
4. Jana & Gleb
5. Ryan & Cheryl
6. Babyface & Allison
7. Amber & Maks
8. Marilu & Derek
9. Terra & Sasha
10. Vanilla Ice & Witney
11. Maureen & Artem
12. Jake & Jenna
13. Rick & Emma

1. Laurie & Val
2. James & Sharna
3. Calvin & Lindsay
4. Ryan & Cheryl
5. Amber & Maks
6. Jana & Gleb
7. Babyface & Allison
8. Terra & Sasha
9. Vanilla Ice & Witney
10. Maureen & Artem
11. Marilu & Derek
12. Jake & Jenna
13. Rick & Emma

Predictions for Elimination

Angelina: It’s kind of hard to tell because there were a few of either not so good or just eh performances. For the first week I think it will be either Maureen or Rick or maybe even Babyface. Even though Jake’s wasn’t great he has a huge fanbase that I think will pull him through. Other than that I don’t really know who I would choose.

Katie: Jake and Jenna

Paul Bentley: This one is tough to call, but I think Jake and Jenna will be eliminated first next week. If not, I think that Maureen and Rick are both in the danger zone.

Julia Delbel: I'm not making an official prediction until we see next week's episode (scores and votes from the first two shows will result in one couple leaving on Tuesday) but if it were based on this week alone I would have to go with Jake. Maureen could be in danger but since she has The Brady Bunch theme next week I think the nostalgia factor will save her. And based on previous seasons it seems like there’s a good chance that Rick will get enough support to stick around unless he ends up way below everyone else with next week factored in. I'm also kind of worried about Babyface and Vanilla Ice being potential early outs but I think they'll at least make it past the first cut.

Fangirl: This one is a hard one to call but I am going with Maureen.

MVP (Most Valuable Pro) Choices for Week 1

Angelina: Being completely different, in my opinion Sasha Farber was the MVP in my eyes. I think he has one of the biggest challenges to deal with because there has been criticism for just a shorter contestant being their height compared to their partner. Though there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, it is just something that takes a lot more time and hard work to deal with and I think he did an amazing job. Also a huge help is Terra’s positivity and high energy personality and I can’t wait to see them go further!

Katie: I'm going to agree with Angelina and say Sasha Farber! Aside from the obvious obstacles he truly made Terra look and feel special which is what this show is all about. They have such an amazing partnership and Sasha is showing that he’s genuinely excited to be with Terra this season. These two are so much fun to watch and I'm so excited to see what's to come!

Paul Bentley: I’d have to say that the Most Valuable Pro this week was Lindsay Arnold since not only did she choreograph her Cha-Cha-Cha with Calvin in such a creative way that it challenged him while still still showing all of his strengths, but she also worked that dance to make it so his large stature and feet were not noticeable at all. It was a team effort, of course, but Lindsay has really found how to bring out the best in her partners. I feel like Team Lindsatron ended up in the middle of the pack, unfortunately, simply because of the time of the night they danced and because they had pure dance, rather than some set to avoid doing extra steps. I do think, though, that they will have their breakout moment very soon this season!

Julia Delbel: I think most of the pros did a good job highlighting their celebrities in the best way possible, but my MVP of the week was Derek Hough, who did a commendable job challenging and teaching Marilu while choreographing to her abilities and also proved to be a true team player for the show when he stood up for Ryan and tried to get his protesters removed from the building. Derek showed that even though DWTS is a competition, it’s also a family at its core!

Fangirl: Val Chmerkovskiy did an incredible job of showcasing his partner and making her feel comfortable. I loved their routine and thought he did an amazing job!

Additional Comments

Paul Bentley: What an awesome cinematic opening number! Nothing beats the season 21 premiere opening, though, mainly because of the upbeat song and the involvement of the season’s cast. I would have liked to have seen a larger implementation of the contestants, but I guess there is only so much that can be fit into two hours!

Julia Delbel: It was very frustrating how so many of the pros neglected to give their celebrities a lot of content in their assigned style this week. It was especially unfair to the ones who were given content that some others got away with not having much in there. I appreciated it when the pros were called out on this, but not everyone who was guilty of this was.

Paul Bentley: Although I live in the United States, I find it annoying how people in other countries cannot vote for their favorite couples to be safe, especially because of how some celebrities are more popular in certain countries over others. Mainly James. James is a Canadian racecar driver. He needs Canadian votes. But his personality and dance skills speak for themselves, so maybe he doesn’t need those votes after all!

Julia Delbel: Yeah, I was in the US for the first episode so I easily sent in my votes, but gotta find a way to use a VPN for the rest of the season! (I’m Canadian for those who don’t know!)

Follow Us on Twitter! (links)
Paul Bentley: @TheBentleyNinja
Julia Delbel: @juliadelbel
Fangirl: @24_7dwts
Katie Henry: @katiegotbandzz
Angelina Mikheeva: @angelinarose42
The DWTS 2016 Social Square (run by Paul Bentley): @DWTS2016

What was your favorite dance from the premiere of season 23 of Dancing With the Stars? Who are you rooting for this season? Who do you think will be eliminated first, coming in thirteenth place?

Next week is a two-night event! On Monday, it is TV Night, where all of the couples will dance to theme songs from popular TV shows. Then, on Tuesday, it is the first elimination of the season, plus some special live performances and extra footage!

DWTS 23 Cast.jpg


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