Friday, October 27, 2017

DWTS Season 25- Week 6 (A Night at the Movies) Dance Overviews

It was A Night at the Movies on Dancing With the Stars this week, featuring not only another round of dances, but also the fifth elimination of the season, guest judge Shania Twain, and a “live” performance to her song Soldier from her upcoming movie Thank You For Your Service!

And, since there was a guest judge on the show this week, we are having a guest blogger! Our guest blogger this week is Hannah, who podcasts about DWTS each week with Julia on YouTube!

So, here are Hannah, Paul Bentley, Julia Delbel, and Dwtsdreams with comments on the night of dances!

A Night at the Movies

The nine couples remaining were given the challenge of performing to new styles with different movie genre themes to portray, which were scored by the three original judges as well as the guest judge Shania Twain. At the end of the night, another couple was eliminated from the competition.

Nikki Bella and Artem Chigvintsev
Foreign Argentine Tango

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Dernière Danse by Indila

Hannah Watching this number initially, I simply liked it. But upon watching it a second time, I loved it! This was an exceedingly well choreographed Argentine Tango. I thought Nikki’s leg action was superb in this number. Her lines were lovely, her connection with Artem was spot on, and it fit exactly what I thought this Argentine Tango was going to look like. I figured this would be a good dance style for Nikki because of how intense and strong it is, and she and Artem did not disappoint! Artem has really been shining as a pro lately, and he and Nikki are such a great match! In my opinion, Nikki continually improves every week, and I hope she continues this upwards trajectory for the next few weeks!

Bentley Hannah said it best-- both Nikki and Artem have been really selling it this season, and I feel like they are so underrated because of all of the big personalities this season and the few performances each week that score above her. I am absolutely in love with the choreography of the Argentine Tango and how it didn’t overwhelm itself with such epic music. Instead, they used the music to exemplify the contrast of the smoothness and the ease portrayed in the dance. Nikki nailed the the footwork, but there were a few times where she and Artem were off from each other, and, being in hold, it was very obvious. But hey, as Hannah said, Nikki is on an upwards trajectory, and with how she has been improving this season, I know she is going to grow from the mistakes!

Julia I agree that Nikki & Artem are probably the most underrated couple this season. They consistently deliver strong performances but it often seems like they’re forgotten by the end of the night. I thought their Argentine Tango was a strong start to this week’s show, with great choreography and chemistry evident. However, Nikki stumbled a few times and wasn’t always as sharp as she probably should have been. That took away from the routine as a whole a little bit, but not too much. I’m really looking forward to seeing what these two have in store for us next week, especially since it’s an upbeat Jive and her last dance with a fun and lighthearted tone (the Disney one) was her best thus far.

Dream This dance was by far Nikki’s best. It was packed with technique, content, and not a lot of extra filler. Nikki embodied the character with poise, and connected with Artem beautifully. I felt like in the previous weeks, she held back connecting with Artem, but not this week! In terms of correct technique, Nikki still needs to work on making all of her movements flow and working on the difference between sharp and soft movements.

The Judges’ Scores
Carrie Ann
The Bloggers’ Scores

#TeamSmackdown 1(800)868-3409

Drew Scott and Emma Slater
Action Paso Doble

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Legend by The Score

Hannah For me, this dance was a bit of a mixed bag. I felt that it started off very strong, but fell apart a little bit in the middle, but then Drew pulled it back together again in the end. Drew definitely had a bit of a timing issue in the middle, but aside from that, he really delivered a powerful Paso Doble. Out of all of the stars left, I feel like Drew is one of the weakest dancers, but in a way, I almost don’t notice. He clearly puts in so much effort into learning the routines that Emma gives him, and Emma knows exactly how to showcase him. So even though he’s not the strongest dancer, you still enjoy him week in and week out. Drew and Emma have really become one of the best partnerships this season, and I hope they stick around a while longer.

Bentley First thing’s first, I just have to say that Drew’s fighting choreography with the background dancers at the beginning was awesome, which is really saying something because choreography like that normally comes off as cheesy, but not this time! But after the beginning part, things sort of went downhill. Drew’s hold with Emma wasn’t very good for multiple reasons (sloppy frame, rushed movements, too close to each other), he was off time in a section, and, as hard as it is to prevent it, his knees were bent just a little too much again. While Drew did have the Paso Doble flaire needed to execute a dance like this, his delivery just couldn’t compensate for his lower-than-average technique this week.

Julia One thing I wanted to point out that neither Bentley nor Hannah did was the stark contrast in energy between the Paso sections and everything else. I could feel Drew’s enthusiasm from the general action stuff (especially the epic flip!) but it felt like he was just going through the motion when it came to the actual Paso content. Speaking of content, I also have to dock for the lack of it in this routine, because there was just so little I can’t justify scoring this dance any higher when the little actual content in the routine was performed so lackluster-y.

Dream Julia touched on this, but every time Drew is doing group choreography, whether it’s with the troupe or side-to-side with Emma, he performs it with more power and control than when in hold. Once he is in hold, his energy is so small compared to his excitement in group sections. He also becomes very stiff in hold, which he needs to work on.

The Judges’ Scores
Carrie Ann
The Bloggers’ Scores

#TeamHotProperty 1(800)868-3404

Nick Lachey and Peta Murgatroyd
Western Samba
Eliminated- 9th Place

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Wild Wild West by Dru Hill, Will Smith, & Kool Mo Dee

Hannah The aesthetics of this dance absolutely astounded me. It was a Samba (the Brazilian party dance) set to a “Western” theme, set to a hip hop song by Will Smith, but Nick, Peta and the troupe dancers were all dressed like they rolled out of Mad Max: Fury Road. Basically, the theme was a strange combination of things, which set the tone well for the actual dance. Now, to Nick’s credit, he didn’t miss a step during his performance, which is great considering he had Samba, which is notoriously hard. But unfortunately, since he danced in the middle-ish of the show, it was quite noticeable that he was the worst technician out of all of the contestants left. I’m really not left with a lot to say about this one. It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t horrendous either. It was just a mediocre dance in between some much better ones.

Bentley In some ways, I saw improvement in Nick’s movement in this Samba, but at the same time, I saw some issues that have been present in his dances throughout the season. His feet were significantly better and his timing was even more refined than what it already was, but on the same token, he did not use his full body to his advantage and he threw a lot of lines away. And it’s kind of hard to explain, but throughout the dance, Nick seemed to shift his weight a little too much, if that makes any sense. And by that, I mean that his footwork was “steppy,” and didn’t flow right at all. But it was still a breakout for Nick in terms of his stage presence, especially during his solo sections. Nick and Peta were bound to be eliminated around now, and although it is justifiable, I think Nick proved himself as being a good stage presence outside of 98 Degrees. Sure, his technique was still sub-par, but compared to week one from now, the spark in Nick to wanting to keep dancing grew.

Julia This dance actually exceeded my expectations, but they were very low to begin with so that’s not saying much. He actually managed to keep up and get into the character Peta gave him, but he lacked the bounce that can make or break a Samba and his technique was sloppy even apart from that. And like Hannah, I was confused by the aesthetic of the dance since, to my knowledge, “Western” and “Steampunk” aren’t really related to each other. :P

Dream This dance proved that it was the right time for Nick to go. This was a very odd dance, and it was a very different concept than most Sambas. I thought the concept was cute, but the Samba content got lost. It was missing hip action and his musicality.

The Judges’ Scores
Carrie Ann
The Bloggers’ Scores

#TeamMomAndPops 1(800)868-3408

Victoria Arlen and Val Chmerkovskiy
Sports Paso Doble

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We Will Rock You by Queen

Hannah I’ve been a huge fan of Victoria all season long, and to be completely honest, I was just the tiniest bit underwhelmed by this performance. I give Victoria and Val props for a great mix of content and concept, but for me, this Paso was lacking a bit of fierceness that I really wanted to see from Victoria. Technique-wise, this was pretty good, I just wish she could have been a little bit stronger in her movements. I’d really love to see her get an Argentine Tango in the future, because I feel like that could be the powerhouse dance I’d really love to see from her. But overall, I still felt this was good performance. Not my personal favorite of hers, but still a good contribution to A Night at The Movies.

Bentley Even with the high production value of DWTS, the production of this Paso Doble in particular really got in the way of the dance. The ice hockey set was way too much, the costumes made it hard for me to read Victoria’s arms and shoulders, and the “filler” took up more than a big chunk of time in the dance (but to be fair, that last one is a dancing sin committed very often on this show). Nevertheless, Victoria seemed more in tune with both herself and Val this week, seemingly more able to keep better control of herself with and without him. I didn’t really see a lot of basic Paso Doble, but from what I did see, Victoria put a lot of thought and power into her movements. At times, though, that power seemed to be focused in the wrong areas, showing the slightest lack of consistency between her upper body and lower body. Victoria definitely showcased something more to her this week, but it was covered up by the production around her, making her seem more like a background character than the center of attention.

Dream This concept didn’t mesh well with the dance at all. There was so much filler choreography with the troupe and the hockey stuff that I lost the power of the Paso Doble. The Paso Doble is supposed to be a dance full of passion and power, and that power was lost. The choreography wasn't my favorite, and I saw very little Paso content. Victoria also needs to work on tightening those arms so they don’t become floppy.

Julia It turned out that both Pasos of the night suffered from a severe lack of content, though Victoria’s was redeemed a bit by her decent technique and power in her movements (though I think there may have been an off-time moment or two). I really did not understand the need to pretty much just stop the dance halfway through to do some hockey stuff with the troupe; the theme of the dance was evident in the first half so having that much fluff - especially as an ending, and not an introduction - was unnecessary and annoying.

The Judges’ Scores
Carrie Ann
The Bloggers’ Scores

#TeamViVa 1(800)868-3413

Terrell Owens and Cheryl Burke
Spy Jive

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Feel it Still by Portugal. The Man.

Hannah This dance reminded me a bit of David and Lindsay’s Sci-Fi Salsa from last season - it was a combination of a genre and a dance style that I didn’t think would work well together, but to my surprise, it did! I have to say, I really didn’t warm up to Terrell until his Most Memorable Year performance. For me, that was his turning point, and I think we’ve really seen a big change in him over the last couple of weeks. He’s so focused on the competition and really, genuinely wants to improve and get thoses 10’s! Since his scores were so high on Monday night, he’ll more than likely be around for the next few weeks, so I hope he continues to work hard and prosper every week! Overall, I really loved the Jive he did this week. While it didn’t flow like a regular Jive, Cheryl really pulled out some clever choreography, and Terrell really did a fantastic job. This was for sure one of the strongest dances of the night.

Bentley This is a dance where I don’t necessarily agree with the 9’s, but I do understand why some of the judges would give that score. While I think the concept of this dance was a bit much (especially with that random section where they went behind the wall), I thought it was pretty unique and didn’t get in the way of the dance all that much. Terrell has that naturally smooth personality to him, and it worked perfect for this Jive. He finally showed us his refined capabilities outside of ballroom dances, and it’s just another improvement to his journey of growth. And as far as this season goes, I think that he has made the most improvement out of all of the celebrities this season. In this dance, he nice and quick, and it really seemed like he was having a blast, which is always the most important part of any dance. While his kicks and flicks were nice, I would have liked to have seen some of his suaveness translate into more “oomph,” as I like to call it. His feet were also not pointed off, but that has become a recurring theme for him at this point. For a while, I thought that Terrell and Cheryl were not going to make it past week 7, but ever since his Viennese Waltz during week 4, as Hannah pointed out, I’m starting to reconsider that.

Dream I disagree with the scoring of this dance. This dance was nowhere near a 10 or 9. Terrell is lucky that he has Cheryl because she has an incredible, powerful persona on the dance floor that lifts him up. Terrell has great, natural movement and rhythm, but he needs to work on his flow. Cheryl packed a good amount of kicks and flicks, which he performed well. It's like his upper half is a stone wall, though. There was not a lot of movement, which is a problem.

Julia I’m with Bentley on disagreeing with the 9’s but understanding where the judges were coming from when giving them. Terrell seemed a little hesitant at the beginning and didn’t put a lot of power into his dancing, but as the performance went on, he seemed to get more comfortable with it, and that’s when he really delivered! I didn’t see much wrong with his technique other than a lack of energy in some sections, but once again, this was a dance where the movie genre theme took over and left me feeling not quite satisfied with the routine as a whole (even though I loved the story they came up with for it!).

The Judges’ Scores
Carrie Ann
The Bloggers’ Scores

#TeamGetchaPopcorn 1(800)868-3411

Frankie Muniz and Witney Carson
Animation Jazz

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Holly Rock by Sheila E.

Hannah This was another dance I liked way more upon a second viewing. While Frankie did have a few minor bobbles, he did manage to keep up with Witney’s strong choreography for the majority of this number! Every week, I’ve been so impressed with Frankie. Again, while not one of the strongest technical dancers of the season, he puts so much heart and soul into his work for the competition. He clearly wants to be here and he wants to make it as far as he can. I love him and Witney together, they make an absolutely perfect team. Now even though he was towards the bottom of the leaderboard this week, I doubt he’s going anywhere yet. I expect to see him go far in the competition, and I’m excited to see what they have in store for Halloween night!

Bentley It was cool how this Jazz number ended up looking like a 1960’s acid trip, but I just have to say that Frankie’s costume was just awful. I love what the costume department is able to do on this show, but Frankie’s costume was not their best work by any means! I know he was supposed to be a troll, but there has got to be a better costume design to portray that. But then again, I’m not a costume designer, so what would I know? Looking past that, the dance was pretty fun, but as Bruno said, Frankie was off time, which he usually isn’t. He also had quite a few minor blemishes that I noticed, such as the stutter in his knee spin and his wooden soldier kicks. But even with all that, Frankie still stole the show and radiated an energy that only he can emit on this show. This might not be my favorite performance from Frankie and Witney, but it was undeniably funky!

Dream I was so excited to see this dance because they brought in the beautiful Morgan Larson to dance with the troupe. She is a powerhouse and I love watching her kill it in the industry. Anyways, this dance had a cute concept but the execution could have been a little better. Frankie was off the counts in some areas, and he messed up his knee spin and his arms during the side-to-side choreography with Witney. Frankie is an incredibly hard worker, and he radiated with his personality.

Julia I thought Frankie did a great job with this Jazz (I didn’t even have to use quotation marks this time! Shout-out to Witney for choreographing an awesome, true Jazz routine!) and the fun he was having showed. He managed to keep up pretty well for the most part until the end when we saw a few stumbles from him. I think the speed tripped him up a bit, which is something he’ll need to work on since he’ll likely get assigned another fast dance like Salsa or Jive at some point.

The Judges’ Scores
Carrie Ann
The Bloggers’ Scores

#TeamFranneyPack 1(800)868-3405

Vanessa Lachey and Maks Chmerkovskiy
Musical Quickstep

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Let’s Be Bad from Smash

Hannah I may be a little biased just because I love musicals, but I really loved this number from start to finish. Last week, I thought Vanessa took a bit of a step back as she had some problems with her Waltz. But I felt like this week, she was back to the powerhouse we saw in weeks one and two. Vanessa is easily one of the strongest dancers of the season, and that really showed here. Her breakdown in the middle of the number with the troupe girls was fabulous and the parts where she was in hold with Maks were such an improvement over last week’s performance!  I had high hopes for this number, considering that it was paying tribute to my favorite movie genre, and I’m happy to say that all of my expectations were met! One of my favorite performances of the night, for sure!

Bentley I’m still trying to figure out how Shania thought that Vanessa’s skirt falling off prematurely was done purposefully. Why would they plan for it to just fall off in the middle of hold like that and then trip on it as part of the choreography? Um, okay, Shania. :P Vanessa did recover from that malfunction in the flash of an eye, though, and I ended up forgetting all about it after the chair section! Vanessa handled the choreography really well, but I thought it was too quick, especially towards the end. With such fast speed, Vanessa lost precision and grace, which wasn’t the case earlier in the dance. Sure, I love a speedy Quickstep just as much as everyone else, but I think it would have been better if Maks cooled it down just a bit.

Dream I love musical style, old school dances, and this was no exception. Except there was a lot of filler choreography. LIKE, C’MON, I DON’T WANNA SEE RANDOM WALKS, I WANT TO SEE REAL DANCE, PEOPLE. Okay, anyways, in terms of the actual dancing, Vanessa executed it well during the start of the dance. She had great posture, and her arms were strong and clean until the dance became fast and she got messy. She lost her power, but overall, it was a cute dance.

Julia This looked like it came straight off a Broadway stage! Vanessa absolutely owned the breakdown section of this routine, and I’m glad she didn’t let the wardrobe malfunction get in the way of her performance! The Quickstep itself was decent, but it had a few issues, such as a slight but noticeable lack of steadiness (and a lack of content in general). I wish this had been a Charleston because those sections were definitely the highlights of the number.

The Judges’ Scores
Carrie Ann
The Bloggers’ Scores

#TeamBabiesAndBallroom 1(800)868-3412

Jordan Fisher and Lindsay Arnold
Drama Rumba

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Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran

Hannah On Monday night while I was doing my weekly podcast with Julia, I made the comment that this might be my favorite Rumba in DWTS history. Even better than Heather and Maks’ from last season. After rewatching both of them, I can confirm that they are tied for my favorite Rumba of all time. What impressed me so much about this was that male celebrities usually have such a hard time with Rumba because of all of the hip action required to do it properly. But Jordan’s technique for this number was perfect. Perfect. Not to mention the fact that he also had an astounding connection with Lindsay during the dance. Jordan was pitch perfect both in technique and performance. He really is a star and is absolutely pulling out great performance after great performance every week, and I’m sure he’ll continue to do so all the way to the finals.

Bentley I wasn’t as much of a fan of Heather’s Rumba from last season (I still liked it, but it didn’t stand out to me), but I think I might go out on a limb, too, and say that this dance is my top three favorite Rumbas on this show ever! Jordan’s hip action was that of a pro, and his connection to the dance was of a mature sensuality that truly brought out the drama movie genre. As I said last week, Jordan and Lindsay are such a perfect pairing, and being that they perform such different types of dances, like going from a superhero Charleston to a drama Rumba shows that their talented is not just limited to a specific category-- they are a versatile couple! Oh, and I’m pretty sure that most of us can agree that Len’s critique about Jordan’s hands was such a reach!

Dream Best Male Rumba in DWTS history. I am literally speechless when I watch Jordan. I loved his choices of movement, the nuances, the balance between sharp and soft. Jordan is insane. His hip action is the same of any pros, and the way he translates emotion into his dances-- Oh my God, I have no words.

Julia Once again, this is a Jordan and Lindsay dance I really enjoyed, but don’t actually have much to say about. However, I did want to point out that Len’s comments about Jordan’s hands being incorrect was clearly an excuse for this routine to not get a perfect score because after this episode aired, both Louis and Gleb said that his hands were not only perfect, but better than some professionals!

The Judges’ Scores
Carrie Ann
The Bloggers’ Scores

#TeamFishUponAStar 1(800)868-3406

Lindsey Stirling and Mark Ballas
Sci-Fi Argentine Tango

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Human by Sevdaliza

Hannah Much like Jordan and Lindsay, Lindsey and Mark are a match made in dancing heaven. Their charisma and creativity are off the charts, and her dance skills, in my opinion, make her one of the best dancers to ever do DWTS. Every DWTS fan had high expectations going into this number. And I don’t think any of us were disappointed with the result. This dance was pitch perfect from start to finish. Mark’s concept and choreography were nothing short of brilliant, and Lindsey did everything so insanely well, it’s almost impossible to come up with the proper words to describe it. This dance was such a moment on this show that will be remembered for years to come. And with any luck, it’ll land Mark another long overdue Emmy nomination.

Bentley Y’know how I said that Jordan’s Rumba is in the top three for my favorite Rumbas on DWTS? Well, I’m going to say the same thing about Lindsey and Mark’s Argentine Tango! This was the only dance that could have possibly been able to top Jordan’s in my opinion, and I’m pretty sure I’m still going to be saying that even after I get over the awesomeness of this routine! There’s amazing, there’s original, there’s technically perfect, and then there’s this! Lindsey gets yet another well-deserved ten from me, and by my calculations, I have never given any other couple on this show as consistent and as high of scores as I have given this couple on this blog! I guess it’s pretty hard to beat the four tens I gave her out of only seven dances! Lindsey not only danced like a pro, but she did tricks that I have very rarely seen on this show by pros before. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that she was a seasoned professional dancer! The genius of Mark and the performance quality of Lindsey combined makes for one of the most memorable dances I have seen… ever. I second Hannah’s notion about that Emmy nomination!

Dream If Mark does not get an Emmy nomination for this, I will be livid. He is a genius. The way he choreographs perfectly to any concept and song given is insane. I loved the use of troupe in this number because it showed that Lindsay can hold her own when dancing with pros. Lindsey’s technique was incredible, too.

Julia Mark has shown some restraint this season and hadn’t really gone all-out with a concept… until this week! I was very impressed by the fact that Lindsey wasn’t only decked out like an android, she danced like one, too, even executing some movements I didn’t know were humanly possible! :P And of course, she nailed the Argentine Tango steps as well. Mark has sometimes struggled with marrying concept and choreography in the past, with the former often overruling the latter in his routines, but this week a lot of the pros struggled with this while he excelled at keeping the balance!

The Judges’ Scores
Carrie Ann
The Bloggers’ Scores

#TeamSTARK 1(800)868-3407

Dance Rankings

1. Lindsey & Mark
2. Jordan & Lindsay
3. Nikki & Artem
4. Vanessa & Maks
5. Terrell & Cheryl
6. Victoria & Val
7. Frankie & Witney
8. Drew & Emma
9. Nick & Peta

1. Lindsey & Mark
2. Jordan & Lindsay
3. Nikki & Artem
4. Vanessa & Maks
5. Terrell & Cheryl
6. Drew & Emma
7. Victoria & Val
8. Frankie & Witney
9. Nick & Peta

1. Lindsey & Mark
2. Jordan & Lindsay
3. Nikki & Artem
4. Vanessa & Maks
5. Terrell & Cheryl
6. Victoria & Val
7. Drew & Emma
8. Frankie & Witney
9. Nick & Peta

1. Lindsey & Mark
2. Jordan & Lindsay
3. Terrell & Cheryl
4. Nikki & Artem
5. Frankie & Witney
6. Vanessa & Maks
7. Victoria & Val
8. Drew & Emma
9. Nick & Peta

Bentley The opening number was fun and all, but, at least in my opinion, I would have liked to have seen some more dancing tied into the theatrics of it. That being said, though, I liked it a heck of a lot more than last season’s A Night at the Movies opening number; this one just felt more cinematic to me!

Julia I saw some people on Twitter mention this as well, but I wish the opening number had featured women in some of the “main” roles like directors and producers. I think this was probably supposed to be about “old” Hollywood, but I feel like the men (usually Val or Derek when he’s around) tend to be prominently featured in the pro numbers more often than the women.

Bentley It wouldn’t be right to publish this blog post without mentioning the phenomenon that was Shania Twain last night! There’s so much to say! XD At the beginning of the night, I could already tell that she wasn’t really able to formulate words together, and it seemed as though she was just saying things just to talk out of obligation. It wasn’t the worst thing ever because at least she wasn’t as non-contributive on the judging panel as guest judges like Olivia Newton-John and Cher. And even after her first “odd” score (the 9 for Drew’s Paso Doble), I didn’t really think much of it because, as someone who isn’t a professional dancer, I can see why someone who isn’t familiar with Paso steps would give that dance such a score. But then her judging got wackier, like giving Victoria a 7 and Terrell a 10. Usually I would say that it was just her perspective of the dance, and people are bound to disagree, but it was quite clear that she kept going from high score to low score to overcompensate her previous score and stick to the range of where the judges were scoring. And not only was her judging bad, but even her lip syncing during her “performance” was bad. Like, how can she not lip sync well to her own song? And how does one not have enough practice to be able to accurately lip sync it? Plus the song itself was clearly autotuned. But whatever-- Shania made for some funny Twitter moments! XD

Julia I know the point of Shania being there was to promote her new music, but I wish she’d just done the song and not been a guest judge. I think guest judges should only be people who at least sort of know what they’re talking about, like Kenny Ortega, Ricky Martin, or former contestants such as Zendaya or Alfonso Ribeiro. Otherwise it feels like a waste of time to have them babble on about something they’re not well-versed in.

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Follow DWTS Interact on Twitter at @DWTSInteract, and follow the bloggers at @TheBentleyNinja, @juliadelbel, and @dwtsdreams! Plus, make sure you give this week’s guest blogger a follow at @dwtshannah!

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