Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Dancing With the Stars Season 24- Week 9 (Semifinals) Dance Overviews

The Semifinals on Dancing With the Stars featured the Judges’ Challenge, special guest performances, and a controversial elimination, and Paul Bentley and Julia Delbel, along with guest blogger Jennifer Osornio (@OsornioJennifer on Twitter), have a lot to say about it! So here are our thoughts!

Round One: The Judges’ Challenge

For the first round of dances, each of the final four couples were assigned to a different judge, who gave them the challenge of doing a certain dance style, also giving them advice in rehearsals.

[Order of the Judges’ Scores: Carrie Ann Inaba, Len Goodman, Julianne Hough, Bruno Tonioli]

Len Goodman’s Challenge
Normani Kordei and Valentin Chmerkovskiy
Viennese Waltz: Desperado by Rihanna
The Judges’ Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9 (36/40)
#TeamValMani 1(800)868-3410

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@TheBentleyNinja: The creative simplicity of this dance was quite striking, especially with the black-and-white effect that showcased Normani’s red dress. The Viennese Waltz with she and Val was nice and edgy, adding a nice flow as a flavor to the ambiguous theme. Normani matched Val superbly, and she carried herself with ease, even though it looked like she got off on the wrong foot towards the beginning, and she looked as though she was hesitant with her box steps. But overall, she was as elegant as ever, selling the routine as she always does!
Bentley’s Score: 9

@juliadelbel: I loved the concept and character for this dance so much! Normani definitely has great frame and technical abilities. I didn’t see the slip the judges were harping on about, but this dance was very staccato and seemed kind of uncomfortable in some parts of it. Again, the judges have been commenting on/ignoring weird things this season. Also, major props to Val for managing to make the song work so well for this style!
Julia’s Score: 9

@Osorniojennifer: I hope America is voting for Normani and Val. After watching this routine so many times to see the stumble. I didn’t see the stumble the judges are talking about. What I did see was her trying so hard not to trip over Val. Before her package was shown, you can tell that she seem nervous about it. Her turns were great. It was smooth and breath-taking. It looks like val worked on the frame for a good amount of time. It showed on the dance that she improved on it. This dance was great. Normani did an awesome job.
Jennifer’s Score: 9

Julianne Hough’s Challenge
David Ross and Lindsay
Foxtrot: You Make Me Feel So Young by Michael Bublé
The Judges’ Scores: 9, 8, 9, 8 (34/40) Lowest Judges’ Challenge Score
#TeamLadyAndTheGramp 1(800)868-3404

W9 David Foxtrot

@OsornioJennifer: I was impressed on Julianne’s skills on how to improve on his frame. I feel like David was still trying to catch up to Lindsay in the dance. It’s not too noticeable like in the first few weeks. The turns were still a little sloppy. You can always tell, when he does the spin he leans towards one side or the other. Those kicks were not sharp. I think the only reason he has gotten this far is because he doesn’t get frustrated much like others. I give him big props for trying to learn how to dance. I admire his patience, and this is why he got this far. He still has a long way to go.
Jennifer’s Score: 8

@juliadelbel: David showed improvement with his frame and characterization in this Foxtrot! I loved how he was able to keep up with Lindsay and seemed so at ease during this routine. He did a great job and I’m sure we’ll see even more improvement from him next week!
Julia’s Score: 9

@TheBentleyNinja: This isn’t necessarily David’s fault or Lindsay’s fault, but does anyone else think that David’s dances have been starting to blend together? Sure, David is always improving in all of his dances, but I feel like I’ve seen both of his Semifinals dances from him before. David was squatty when in the Foxtrot frame, plus he looked like he focused more on the choreography rather than the technique, which lead to some feet that reminded me of cartoon characters when they try to run away, but they just hover over the ground in place. But it still had a youthful charm and pizzazz to it with some sprinkles of refinement here and there, although it wasn’t anything overwhelming. It was a sweet routine, but at this point in the competition, I want to see more, even though I know that David is trying his best.
Bentley’s Score: 8

Singer Calum Scott featuring Witney Carson and Artem Chigvintsev
Dancing on My Own by Calum Scott

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@TheBentleyNinja: I didn’t really know who Calum Scott was before Monday night, but I ended up liking his voice. If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought he was lip syncing. But I think that this guy was the real deal! Witney and Artem were beautiful together, blending their different styles of motion together in a very cohesive way. It wasn’t too showy of a dance, but it still entertained!

@OsornioJennifer: I was confused on who this guy was. Tom mentioned that he had a sold out tour, so he must be good. The high note was impressive hearing it live. I was paying more attention to Witney and Artem, though. That number was awesome; there was so much chemistry in the way that they danced.

Carrie Ann Inaba’s Challenge
Simone Biles and Sasha Farber Eliminated- 4th Place
JIve: Faith by Stevie Wonder featuring Ariana Grande
The Judges’ Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10 (40/40) Perfect Judges’ Challenge Score
#TeamGoldenGiggles 1(800)868-2412

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@OsornioJennifer: Simone dance was great.Too be honest, she only showed a little bit of emotion throughout the dance. I also think it was a little bit too late to get a perfect score. The comment she made last week was something that too many people weren’t happy about it, so it affected her. Sasha didn’t push Simone to the best of her abilities, like Val does with Normani. She was a perfectionist on the dance floor. I was impressed how quick she was in it. The lift she did with Sasha was pretty impressive, too. She did show that she had a lot fun while doing it, but in some parts she did seem quite robotic again.
Jennifer’s Score: 9

@juliadelbel: This was a great dance, but I was very frustrated with the judges and the scoring for Simone this season. They refused to give her 10’s for dances that were as good or better than routines that were actually getting them, and then they gave her 10’s for a dance that wasn’t as good as some of the other ones she did as a “gift”. Anyway, I still really enjoyed this. The choreography was great and I loved her sassy attitude, but there were a couple of steps where she looked slightly unsure of herself. Everyone is making a big deal about that comment from last week but this late in the competition people don’t switch loyalties or break them that easily and it frustrates me that everyone is pointing to that alone and not the nitpicking she’s endured the past few weeks. Also, I’ll get into this more on the Friday blog, but anyone blaming Sasha for Simone’s placement and scores need to shut their f*cking mouths right now, because I flat-out told y’all Simone wasn’t winning at the beginning of the season and so many of you didn’t listen. I even said there was a strong possibility of this very situation happening. I am getting very fed up with this community not because this happened, but because I feel like nearly everyone shuts down what I say and then I get proven right later on yet get no credit for it. (I have a lot to say about some other things that have happened recently but I’ll save it for the offseason.)
Julia’s Score: 9

@TheBentleyNinja: I feel like another big reason why Simone was eliminated this week was because I haven’t seen too much power voting for her this season as compared to Rashad and Normani. And I feel like David is always able to steal a few votes from people with his genuinity. But I digress. I was so happy to see a dance like this from Simone and Sasha, letting us to see a classy, fun, and quick performance that I knew she would excel at! Simone’s bubbly personality was perfect for this routine, along with her gymnast extensions and energetic legs! I liked how the troupe matched pretty much exactly to Simone and Sasha, showcasing her professional dancing skills; it also made her part of a large unit of people, making the Jive feel like a group effort with friendly fun all around! She didn’t miss a single step!
Bentley’s Score: 10

Bruno Tonioli’s Challenge
Rashad Jennings and Emma Slater
Rumba: Say You Won’t Let Go by James Arthur
The Judges’ Scores: 9, 9, 10, 10 (38/40)
#TeamShadSquad 1(800)868-3411

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@OsornioJennifer: This showed chemistry all around throughout the dance. It showed their friendship and how well they trusted each other. Everything was pretty smooth. Rashad reminds me of Carlos PenaVega he was a contestant in season 21. He did an awesome job, but never got that perfect score until week 8. The same thing with Rashad is happening. He did great with his footwork. He is obviously good with expressing emotions, but he needs to get his technique together for Len to get that ten.
Jennifer’s Score: 10

@juliadelbel: There was nothing wrong with this dance, and I’m very frustrated Rashad still has yet to get a perfect score. Like I said, I’ve seen multiple people get perfect scores for lesser dances, which makes matters even worse. Anyway, I absolutely loved this Rumba. I think Rashad’s best strength is these more emotional numbers, and his footwork improved immensely for this dance. His chemistry with Emma is amazing, and I’m so glad they managed to stick around for the Finals next week!
Julia’s Score: 10

@TheBentleyNinja: I was beyond impressed with Rashad this week. I was a little worried about whether or not Rashad was going to be able to nail such a slow and flowy dance, but he did it! It was nice to see that connection I saw from Rashad and Emma in their Viennese Waltz from week 2 come back, because it has grown since then with more of a romantic chemistry rather than just sensual chemistry. The only thing that bugged me in this dance was Rashad’s left arm, especially towards the end of the routine. It was a minor thing, but his arm was a bit rigid and thrown away at times. I know that it is nitpicking, but I can’t just ignore it. I wish I could have given this Rumba a 9.5!
Bentley’s Score: 9

Cheryl Burke Tour Preview (“Love on the Floor”)
The Way by Zack Hemsey

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@TheBentleyNinja: I was a bit confused on what the story was in the dance, but it had me intrigued. I guess I would have to see a tour performance to find out what everything meant! It was awesome to see Cheryl Burke back with a modern piece of dancing, especially because I am so used to seeing her do ballroom! The performance was filled with artistry, and it made for a nice time filler for the time slot!

@OsornioJennifer: I loved Cheryl’s dance; it was very powerful. She did a very similar type of dance as when Derek and Julianne showcased their tour. I’ve heard that she only did this tour around Japan and other places, so it’s great that she can bring it here in the U.S. It was great seeing Cheryl, and I hope too see her back in the ballroom after her tour.

Second Round of Dances

Before the elimination to determine which couple came in fourth place, each couple performed a second dance. In their video packages before their performances, friends and family of the remaining celebrity contestants weighed in on the show, and told us more about who the semifinalists are.

[Order of the Judges’ Scores: Carrie Ann Inaba, Len Goodman, Julianne Hough, Bruno Tonioli]

Normani Kordei and Valentin Chmerkovskiy
Jazz: What a Wonderful World by Ray Chew Live
The Judges’ Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10 (40/40) Perfect Judges’ Challenge Score
#TeamValMani 1(800)868-3410

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@OsornioJennifer: This girl really turned it around in the second dance. I’ve been a Fifth Harmony fan from the start. I’ve never seen Normani be so open on who she is and where she came from. The flip where she landed on the top side of her feet was amazing; I have never seen anything like it. Normani always brings up joy for all of her performances.
Jennifer’s Score: 10

@juliadelbel: I just loved this performance! Normani stood out amongst the chaos (not to say all the background stuff was a bad thing!) and delivered a solid routine. I know there was a lot of Lindy Hop in this, but I didn’t mind because it’s not a style we normally see on the show. (If it was mostly Jive steps I’d have been annoyed, because Jive is a regular style in the DWTS curriculum.) I think after doing Contemporary and Jazz back-to-back the two weeks before the Finale, these two need to take a totally different approach with their Freestyle if they want to stand out on Monday.
Julia’s Score: 10

@TheBentleyNinja: I really appreciated what Normani and her family opened up about in the video package about Hurricane Katrina, especially since I know far too many people who had to leave their homes during Superstorm Sandy back in 2012. And I love Normani’s grandma and Val’s showmance! XD Normani and Val’s dance was everything I could have asked for from a Jazz routine! Even while following all of Val’s choreography, Normani still managed to spice it up a bit with her own flare to make it her own! It was classically modern with polish from all sorts of generations of dancing! Normani’s Lindy Hop was clean and precise, and everything in between was done with class and charm! Normani absolutely rocked the house!
Bentley’s Score: 10

David Ross and Lindsay Arnold
Tango: Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran
The Judges’ Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9 (36/40) Lowest Judges’ Challenge Score
#TeamLadyAndTheGramp 1(800)868-3404

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@Osorniojennifer: He did better the second time around and took the judges comments and improved on it. He did seem pretty tired throughout the whole routine. I think he did improve, but you can still see the struggle. At this point to win, he just has to be strong and confident so people will believe in him.
Jennifer’s Score: 8

@juliadelbel: David didn’t look like he was as “into” this performance as the last one. He did pretty well but his butt was sticking out a lot and sometimes he was a bit flat-footed. I think they were nice to him with the scores this week but I’m wondering if they’re gonna suddenly drop the hammer next week in order to prevent David and Lindsay from winning. (I think he might be getting the most votes out of anyone this season.)
Julia’s Score: 8

@TheBentleyNinja: I don’t care what anybody thinks-- I give David a 10! David has improved in such a way the past nine weeks that I wasn’t expecting in the slightest. He is one of the most improved contestants ever to dance and the show, and it is exemplified through his steady progression with every dance. Never did I think in week one that I would see a dance as clean and well-executed as his Tango with Lindsay. He found his footing with the dance this time around, putting his confidence to a good use with his improved technique! I do have to say that it was a bit of a shock to me that he made it to the finals, but now that I think of it, why wouldn’t he be in the finals?! Sure, his scores are usually slightly lower than everyone else’s, but that is nothing compared to the effect that his amazing personality has on the audience!
Bentley’s Score: 10

Simone Biles and Sasha Farber Eliminated- 4th Place
Rumba: Skyscraper by Demi Lovato
The Judges’ Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10 (40/40) Perfect Judges’ Challenge Score
#TeamGoldenGiggles 1(800)868-3412

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@juliadelbel: I liked that they took a more emotional approach to this Rumba rather than a sexual one, since that seems to be more of a strength for Simone. I thought it was fitting they included the stuff with the beam because that was a big part of the reason she had trouble opening up. Her technique was wonderful, but I wish she and Sasha had looked at each other a bit more, since Rumba is all about the chemistry! I still wish she’d made it to the Finals over David, though it’s not too surprising that she didn’t given what’s been going on all season.
Julia’s Score: 9

@TheBentleyNinja: There is not a song that could have been better fitting for Simone to dance to for her last performance than Skyscraper! Simone and Sasha had a heavy connection between them, making the dance powerful, but also making it feel not light enough in the movements during the fast parts. Simone was beautiful with her arms and legs, and she was quite refined with her hip movements, which I know she loves! It looked to me like she blacked out at the end of the dance, causing her to be out of sync with Sasha for the slightest second. But that was nothing compared to the artistic and flowy nature of the routine that made it almost perfect! It sucks to see Simone leave the show a week from the finale, but she didn’t need the Redemption Round or a Freestyle dance to let her showcase everything she has to offer!
Bentley’s Score: 9

@OsornioJennifer: This was quite emotional. I finally got to see the other side of Simone. She did have chemistry on that floor. If they showed a little more sensitive side, I would have been more wowed than I was. You can tell that Simone felt very awkward when they got super close throughout the dance. Overall, she did an awesome job on getting a perfect scores Monday night. It was great seeing simone finally opening up more. Sad to see her go.
Jennifer’s Score: 10

Rashad Jennings and Emma Slater
Quickstep: Yes I Can by Superhumans
The Judges’ Scores: 10, 9, 10, 10 (39/40)
#TeamShadSquad 1(800)868-3411

W9 Rashad Quickstep.jpg

@OsornioJennifer: Len mentioned that Rashad’s frame was off. I didn’t see it; he was light on his feet. What I did see in which I agree with Len was that he didn’t start that Quickstep well with the entrance, since the Quickstep is just about getting out there and do it well. He did it pretty well, and I was impressed by his frame and timing in it.
Jennifer’s Score: 10

@juliadelbel: I actually agreed with Len about Rashad’s frame (he dropped it a few times) and I saw a weird thing with his feet at one point. Other than that, I thought this was an amazing dance. I know last week had the theme of song suiting the celebrities, but I think this one was a better description of who Rashad is: a person who is hardworking, positive, and ambitious.
Julia’s Score: 9

@TheBentleyNinja: Rashad’s story before his dance was so inspiring! It’s nice to hear about a success story from somebody who had given up, but then was able to show the world everything he had to offer behind his rejections and learning disability! His Quickstep was like a Broadway show, featuring a jazzy setup that complimented Rashad’s style perfectly! Rashad was bopping around with a youthful joy, and used that put energy into all of his weightless movements! Rashad and Emma danced as one, which is probably the ultimate goal of dancing as a couple! Rashad was golden in every way possible! I cannot wait to see what these two have in store for the Finale!
Bentley’s Score: 10

Overall Rankings of the Dances from the Semifinals

1. Simone & Sasha’s Jive
2. Rashad & Emma’s Quickstep
3. Normani & Val’s Jazz
4. David & Lindsay’s Tango
5. Normani & Val’s Viennese Waltz
6. Rashad & Emma’s Rumba
7. Simone & Sasha’s Rumba
8. David & Lindsay’s Foxtrot

1. Normani & Val’s Jazz
2. Rashad & Emma’s Rumba
3. Simone & Sasha’s Rumba
4. Rashad & Emma’s Quickstep
5. David & Lindsay’s Foxtrot
6. Normani & Val’s Viennese Waltz
7. Simone & Sasha’s Jive
8. David & Lindsay’s Tango

1. Normani & Val’s Jazz
2. Normani & Val’s Viennese Waltz
3. Rashad & Emma’s Rumba
4. Simone & Sasha’s Jive
5. Simone & Sasha’s Rumba
6. Rashad & Emma’s Quickstep
7. David & Lindsay’s Foxtrot
8. David & Lindsay’s Tango

Jennifer’s Final Comments

@OsornioJennifer: I had fun being a part of the blog this week. Thank you, guys, for giving me this opportunity. I was excited to give my own opinion about it, even though it is quite obvious who my favorite pair is. I was super shocked that Simone left. She was in my top three with Rashad and Normani. IT IS IMPORTANT TO VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE. THIS SEASON HAD TOO MANY SHOCKING ELIMINATIONS. I had fun and hope to be part of the blog soon.

W9 Simone Elimination.jpg

Follow us on Twitter!
dwtsdreams: @24_7dwts
Julia Delbel: @juliadelbel
Paul Bentley: @TheBentleyNinja
Jennifer Osornio: @OsornioJennifer



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